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Q: Inorganic substances such as calcium and iron that are needed by the body in small amounts?
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3 inorganic substances that are often needed for enzymes to work properly?

Copper, zinc and iron.

What is an important mineral that helps build strong bones.?

The usual answer required is calcium. Other substances are needed too, such as phosphorus.

What mineral is needed in largest amounts according to the RDA?

Calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, and sulfur.

An inorganic molecule reguired by green plants for the process of photosynthesis is?

An inorganic molecule required by green plants for the process of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide.

What are 3 inorganic substances that are often needed to make enzymes work properly.?

we must be in the same biology class. cause the only thing i saw on the PowerPoint was zinc and iron

Are solid substances that do not contain carbon and are not broken down during digestion They are needed in small amounts and help regulate chemical reactions in your bodies?


Which substances are not needed for respiration?

Glucose and oxygen are needed for respiration. All other substances are not needed.

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Why is calcium needed in human body?

What is Calcium need for?Calcium is needed for: strong bones, healthy and good teeth, proper function of the; liver, muscles, nerves and the heart.This is what Calcium is needed Katie Webber-Jones.

What element is used for strong bone and teeth?

I'm pretty sure it's CALCIUM. wrong... ...Actually the strength comes from inorganic salts and collagen. Calcium is stored in the bones and helps provide strength, but the salts allow bones to withstand weight and collagen gives bones tensile strength.

What are the 2 inorganic materials needed by the plant to carry out photosynthesis?

Carbon dioxide and sunlight are the two inorganic materials needed by the plant to carry out photosynthesis.

Is calcium beneficial?

yes..calcium is needed for the bones and teeth.