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Q: Insects larva are called doodlebugs in us?
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Do mosquitoes have blood?

Insects do not have blood, but hemolymph, a fluid that carries and binds oxygen that isn't bound within a cell. The blood a mosquito gathers is used to feed the larva

What are two bad things that insects do for us or to us?

a lot of insects carry diseases

What is an entomologist?

It's the study of insects. It's a branch of zoology, which is a branch of biology.

How are insects good?

circle of life.some insects prey on others, keeping us from being overun with insects

Why are most insects black?

Most insects are either black or brown. This is because they have a pigment called melanin in their skin or shell. This pigment absorbs light, which makes theinsects appear black or dark in color to us.

What good do arachnids do to us?

They get rid of insects.

Which states have no bugs?

There are no US states that have no insects.

Should you kill all insect?

You should not kill all insects...only those harmful insects...some insects benefit for us..some they harm us especially,don't kill ALL of them

Does insects kill us more than you kill them?


Why do you think insects are able to destroy so many crops in Kenya than the US?

There are more insects that are destructive in Kenya

How are insects harmful to people?

If the inscet has a sickness they can pass it to us.

Do insect have a brain?

insects do have a brain. they use it differently then us.