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Q: Inside the plasma membrane of the amoeba is a layer of cytoplasm called?
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What is a temporary extenstion of cytoplasm and plasma membrane that helps an amoeba move is called?


Does an amoeba move by sending out projections of cytoplasm called pseudopods?

YES. "Pseudopod" means "fake feet". It is an extension of the amoeba's cell membrane and cytoplasm that not only moves the amoeba, but also encircles and engulfs food and liquid.

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A jelly like material outside the nucleus but inside the cell membrane is called the?


Is the region inside the cell membrane?

The region between the cell membrane and the nucleus is called cytoplasm.

What is the gel like substance inside a cell?

the gelatin like substance that is inside a cell is called cytoplasm

What is the name of the thing that helps a protist move by extending its cell membrane and cytoplasm?

These kind of protists are called pseudopodia, which means 'fake legs'. The extension of their cell membrane and cytoplasm helps them to move and feed.

What is a jelly like substance within the plasma membrane?

Cytoplasm is the jellylike material found within the cell membrane. This substance, which is made mostly of water, protects the organelles inside the cell, such as the Golgi body/apparatus, endoplasmic reticulum, and the nucleus.

What is the mass of fluid that is found inside the cell membrane and around the nucleus?

It's called the cytoplasm.

What is the region between the cell membrane and the nucleus called?

cytoplasm is located between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What are analogies cytoplasm?

The cytoplasm could be called the inside of a factory. Cytoplasm is the inside of a cell. The cytoplasm could be called the inside of a factory. Cytoplasm is the inside of a cell.

How does reproduction occur in amoeba?

Amoeba's reproduce through asexual reproduction. Inside the cell the nucleus will divide through a process called mitosis. Then the cytoplasm and outer membrane divide and pull apart to create a new cell.