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Diabetes Mellitus

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Q: Insulin deficiency or resistance leads to hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis?
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How are hyperglycemia and lipidemia of insulin deficiency linked?

Hyperglycemia is the result of insufficient insulin secretion by the pancreas, resulting in high blood glucose levels and the loss of glucose from the body in the urine (glycosuria). When sugars cannot be used as cellular fuel, more fats are mobilized, resulting in high fatty acid levels in the blood, a condition called Lipdemia.

What are the dangers of Ketoacidosis?

Diabetic ketoacidosis is caused by lack of insulin, and is generally triggered by some other body insult including dehydration, fasting, illness or infection. Once ketoacidosis begins in earnest, it causes itself to get worse. All of its symptoms are also causes of further problems, so it will generally continue to advance until treatment or death. More details on the mechanism of how ketoacidosis begins are available on the wikipedia link below. Ketoacidosis is often associated with hyperglycemia (high blood sugar), but hyperglycemia won't actually cause Ketoacidosis. They are both caused by shortage of insulin.

Which mineral helps the body maintain normal blood sugar levels?

Magnesium helps to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Deficiency of Magnesium can lead to insulin resistance or deficeincy of insulin. Both insulin resistance and insulin deficiency can lead to diabetes.

Does type 2 diabetes cause insulin deficiency or insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is caused by obesity and a family history of insulin resistance. You can develop insulin resistance without these, but it's rare. Insulin resistance leads to type 2 diabetes. A type 1 diabetic can develop insulin resistance the same way anyone else does, but becoming obese and by having insulin resistance in the family. In this case, the insulin resistance and the type 1 diabetes are totally unrelated.

What hormone reverses hyperglycemia?

Which is the only hormone that can reverse hyperglycemia

How to avoid or treat a hyperglycemia?

Hyperglycemia is caused by too much carbohydrates, not enough insulin or periods of illness and stress. You can avoid it by balancing your carb to insulin ratio, and treat it with insulin.

What type insulin is used for diabetic ketoacidosis?

Regular Insulin (Humulin R)

Is diabetes mellitus a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels?

Hi!! Yes. Diabetes is a chronic condition of elevated blood glucose levels. Diabetes is caused due to Insulin deficiency or Insulin resistance or both. We require insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal. Once you have insulin resistance or deficiency you require anti diabetic medicines or Insulin to keep blood glucose levels normal.

When can diabetic ketoacidosis develop in type II diabetics?

Ketoacidosis is caused primarily by shortage of insulin, combined with or triggered by one or more of: Dehydration, fasting, illness, infection, drug reactions, or high blood sugar. It usually only occurs in insulin-dependent diabetics. It often happens in the setting of poor diabetes management--not checking blood sugars, not taking insulin, eating too many sweets, etc. And this can be worsened sometimes by infection, such as the cold or the flu which can further dehydrate the person or cause aberrations in blood sugar. It's sometimes found as the first symptom of an undiagnosed diabetic. Ketoacidosis generally won't heal on its own -- it makes itself worse, usually, until death. So it's important to get to a hospital right away.

Doña Felisa is an elderly lady who has a deficiency of the hormone insulin which causes the deficiency disease?

A deficiency of insulin causes diabetes mellitus.

How is diabetic ketoacidosis treated?

regular monitoring of blood glucose, administration of insulin, and lifestyle maintenance. Glucose monitoring is especially important during periods of stress, infection, and trauma when glucose concentrations typically increase

Diabetes effects which endocrine gland?

HYPERGLYCEMIA;is the condition in which increased levels of blood glucose are found.this generally occurs during diabetic condition caused due to deficiency of insulin bec of various reasons.generally in presence of insulin it causes decrease in blood levels of glucose.due to its absence, cells get glucose deficiency although they are surrounded by glucose bec insulin acts as a key to cell for its a result increase in blood glucose levels order to prevent hyperglycemia insulin supplements are to be taken.this condition also occurs due to excess secretion of glycogen.this increase glucose levels of blood.