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Q: Insurier requires a presurgical second opinion what is the modifier?
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Requires an opinion.

Which of the following techniques for measuring public opinion requires careful question design?

public opinion polls

Does fraud require a misstatement of either a fact or opinion?

No. Fraud requires a misstatement of fact. Opinion doesn't enter into it.

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I think that requires your opinion. That is what I believe. =]

Do we flag questions that requires the answer to be just an opinion?

If you do, then you are only flagging it because you have a different opinion. Opinions can't ever have a 'right answer'.

Is William levy guilty?

This is a question that requires an opinion, which means we can't answer truthfully.

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This is not an appropriate question for WikiAnswers as it requires a personal opinion.

What techniques for measuring public oponion requires careful question design?

Public Opinion Polls

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Having an opinion cannot accomplish what requires taking action to achieve.

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This question requires an opinion based answer, and is not suitable for

Do you like the president of america?

This question requires an opinion and that makes it hard to answer since everyone has an opinion. No opinion is right or wrong it is just what someone thinks. So, this question can not be answered. There is no such thing as the president of America. So the question is invalid.

What sentence requires the opinion of two expert witnesses?

In certain legal cases, a sentence that requires the opinion of two expert witnesses could be: "The authenticity of the art piece in question can only be confirmed if two qualified art appraisers each independently assess and verify its origins and value."