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i don't think taking folic acid enhances your chances of falling pregnant, however if you are trying, then start taking it asap so from the moment your baby is conceived so he/she is getting the amount of folic acid required for proper fetal development & to minimise some birth defects :)

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Q: Intake of folic acid can make a possibility to get pregnant?
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How much folic acid to take?

Non pregnant people should have 400 mcg of folic acid and pregnant woman should increase their folic acid intake to 800 mcg.

Where is folic acid stored?

A small amount of folic acid is stored in the liver (about 7 mg), but this will be rapidly depleted if there is not sufficient dietary intake. The body's folic acid stores can only last a few months.

Can iron folic aicdhelp women get pregnant?

can iron folic acid help women get pregant

Will Folic acid help you fall pregnant sooner?

It doesn't neccessarily help you get pregnant quicker. It makes you healthier overall, which can help you to get pregnant. Also, folic acid is good for a developing baby and therefore if you do get pregnant, your baby will be receiving folic acid in the first few days and weeks that you don't know you're pregnant which can help it and make it stronger and healthier

Which substance is an important nutrient for pregnant women?

Folic acid

How much folic acid when pregnant and have crohs?

Normal pregnant women need 400 to 800 mcg of folic acid a day. You should talk to your Dr to see if you need to adjust.

Importance of Folic acid?

Folic acid, also known as Vitamin B9, has very important roles in your body. Your body does not store this vitamin, so daily intake is necessary. You can get the daily requirements from food or a dietary supplement.Importance of Folic Acid in PregnancyIf you have ever been pregnant you probably learned of the importance of getting enough folic acid, even before getting pregnant. Having the right amount of folic acid in your body is extremely important in the first few weeks of pregnancy - a time when many women don't even know they are pregnant. You should consider taking a folic acid supplement if there is a possibility of becoming pregnant, and continue with pre-natal vitamins during pregnancy, high in folic acid, to help prevent possible birth defects such as brain and spinal defects. These problems often develop within the first month of pregnancy. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pregnant women should get 400 micrograms of folic acid daily.Not Just For WomenEveryone needs to get adequate amounts of folic acid. The vitamin is essential for our bodies to make new cells. If you are deficient in folic acid you may develop anemia. Folic acid also may help to prevent heart disease and certain types of cancers. There are also numerous other health benefits to folic acid.How to Get it From FoodYou can get folic acid from many foods, at which point it is actually consider Folate. But, if you don't consume enough of these you might want to consider a vitamin supplement. Choose dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and asparagus. Also many beans and nuts and citrus fruits are high in folate. Additionally, many cereals and other foods are now fortified with folic acid. This became mandated over 10 years ago and since then folic acid deficiencies have become less common. However, a person who consumes excessive amounts of alcohol or has a very poor diet is more likely to be at risk of a folic acid deficiency.

Who will get the most benefit from a folic acid supplement?

pregnant females (apex)

Which nutrient is recommended for all women capable of becoming pregnant?

Folic Acid

Folate and folic acid are forms of what vitamin?

Folate and folic acid are classified as "B Vitamins." It is an extremely important vitamin for women, and key for the development of babies in pregnant women.

I have tried to get pregnant for the last 5 months. But still can't. Can taking folic acid help me?

Folic acid will not help you get pregnantit is to help you have healthy babies when you DO get pregnant. Many couples take six months or more to conceive.

Low intake of which vitamin contributes to birth defects?

The most common one is Folic acid or folate which is a B vitamin. It is also referred to as vitamin B₉.