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Q: Interventional measures for a mentally retarded child who exhibits deficits in social skills such as taking turns?
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What is ability deficit theory?

Many early scholars beginning in the 1920s had categorized many children within the public school system that demonstrated learning disabilites as mentally retarded. This was due to the fact that their research was medically based and they believed that the children had brain deficits that did not necessarily warrant cognitive deficiencies.

What does mentally capable mean?

Mentally capable means if you are up to it mentally and if your mind can comprehend it.

How do you spell mentally?

Mentally just as you spelled it

Do you have to be overweight to be considered obesed mentally?

no you can be obese mentally

How does a robot function's?

a robot functions mentally

What is the definition of 'mentally'?

Mentally refers to actions or processes that pertain to the mind or intellectual capabilities of an individual, including thoughts, emotions, and cognitive functions. It relates to mental health and cognitive abilities.

Can a non mentally challenged person divorce a mentally challenged mate?

Yes, a person who is not mentally challenged can divorce a person who is mentally challenged would have to be proven they are mentally challenged), but they would have to let the courts decide in the provisions of the divorce what you would pay to help sustain the lifestyle of the mentally challenged person.

Is it important to be mentally healthy or physically healthy?

Mentally and physically.

What words mean a mentally confused person?

mentally disabled

How do you say you in a nice way?

Mentally challenged or mentally handicapped

How do you say retard in a nice way?

Mentally challenged or mentally handicapped

What do you call a person that is mentally healthy?

A mentally healthy person is safe