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Q: Introduction in an onion and cheek slide in a biology practical?
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Are chloroplasts visible in onion and cheek cells?

No chloroplasts in cheek and onion cells

Which of the 2 cells cheek or onion cells have a regular arrangement and structure?

Between the 2 cells that are cheek and onion cells, the one that has a regular arrangement and structure are onion cells. Cheek cells have an irregular shape.

What is bigger cheek cells or onion cells?

Onion cells are larger. Skin cheek cells are smaller probably due to the fact that they're overlapped or rolled up.

Why are onion cells in a sheet and cheek cells individual units?

Due to the techniques of obtaining the samples, onion cells remain intact in the tissue, but because cheek cells are obtained by rubbing a toothpick on your cheek, you are disrupting the cheek tissue, and instead of getting a sheet of cheek cells, you get individual cheek cells.

What are the Characteristics of cheek cells leaf cells and onion cells?

cheek is eukaryotic multicellular and sexual

Why are onion cells different to cheek cell?

because they are

What cell parts did you find in the onion cell but not in the cheek cells?

The onion cells are much more rectangle shaped, than the cheek cells and the nucleus in the onion cell is much more bigger and better seen in the microscope.

What is same between cheek and onion cells?

They both have a nucleus:)

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were different in observed parts what parts did they have in common?

The Onion cell and cheek cell both had cytoplasm, nucleuses, and cell membranes under 400x Magnification

What does onion skin cells have that cheek cells don't?

A cell wall.

What vegetable did the Biology class have to study?

Onion Roots

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common?

Describe how the onion and cheek cell were similar in observed parts what parts did they have common? Well they are similar because they both have a nucleus and cytoplasm. They are different because in an onion cell there is a cell wall, doesnt have chlorplast, and it is a plant. For a cheek cell it has a cell membrane, doesnt have a cell wall, and is an animal.