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Q: Inventive genius of industrialization who worked on devices such as the electric light?
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Being genius on something requires hardworking not merely cleverly inventive or resourceful. Great accomplishment is a matter of dedication to your goals. Great accomplishments depend not so much on ingenuity as on hard work.

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John J. O'Neill has written: 'Prodigal genius' -- subject(s): Electric engineers, Biography, Electric currents, Alternating, Electric engineering, History, Alternating Electric currents

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war, government, individual genius, chance, science and technology, communications. ^^ its all i could remember hope it helps :)

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genius, genius, brillance, genius, genius..........

What would life be like without Alexander Graham Bell?

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Bring it to a local Apple Store near you, but first go to Apple's website and set up an appointment with an Apple Genius at the Genius Bar. They help fix any problems you are having with your iPod, laptop, and other Apple devices.

Is Nikola Tesla the inventor of the light bulb?

No, Nikola Tesla did not invent the light bulb. The light bulb was primarily invented by Thomas Edison, while Tesla made significant contributions to electrical power systems and various other inventions.