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Q: Investment of dairy farm with 10 hf cows?
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How much space do 10 dairy cows need?

you should have at least 10 cows to officially be called a dairy farm. Less than that and you're pretty much only a hobby farm.

How many dairy cows are there in the US?

There are about 9 million dairy cows in the United States. Dairy cows can make a lot more milk than in the past. In the 1940's there were 25 million cows.

How many dairy cows were there in 1991?

Nearly 10 million

Do you ever get more than milk from the dairy barn in farmville?

Yes, if you have enough cows, then you will get extra fertilizer when you harvest milk from the dairy farm in Farmville. When your neighbors visit your farm, they will be able to fertilize 10 plots instead of 5 plots. If you have a bull in your dairy farm then you might find a calf when you harvest milk. Unfortunately, you cannot keep the calf, but you can offer it up to your neighbors of radoption.

How many cows are on a mixed farm?

There can be any number of cows on a mixed farm. Usually there are between 10-20 but that can differentiate between farms.

How many different breeds of dairy cows?

There are 6 main types for dairy: Holstein, Jersey, Guernsey, Brown Swiss, Milking Shorthorn, and Ayrshire. But there are other uncommon breeds of milk cows like Dutch Belted, Canadienne, Randall, Lineback, Milking Devon, etc.

What are the water requirements for a cow?

A cow requires anywhere from 7% to 10% of its body weight in water. Lactating cows require more water than dry cows, and dairy cows consume more water than beef cows.

There is 40 animals in a farm cows and chickens and the total legs is 100 and the answer is 30 chickens and 10 cows I just need someone to create an equation for me with that answer?

There are 40 animals in a farm cows and chickens and the total legs is 100 and the answer is 30 chickens and 10 cows. Use Guess and Check Method. No of Cows No of Chickens Total number of Legs Total number of animals Check 20 × 4 = 80 20 x 2 = 40 120 40 X 15 x 4 = 60 25 x 2 = 50 110 40 X 10 x 4 = 40 30 x 2 = 60 100 40 √ There are 10 cows and 30 chickens in the farm.

What drink do cows produce?

1 cow can produce the milk that it once took 10 cows to produce. Around 9.2 million cows are being milked on 110,000 farms in the U.S. More than 99% of all dairy farms are family owned and operated. Cows are milked for an average of 3-4 years.

What's the average life span of a cow?

Cows, which are mature female bovines, can live for as long as 2 to 30 years. The average is 15 years for all cows, regardless of breed.

How may cows are there in England?

There are 10 million cattle in the UK as a whole. There are a little over 2 million adult dairy cows in the UK, a little under 2 million adult beef cows, and about 6 million younger animals. I'd estimate between 6-8 million in England.

What is the average pulse rate in cattle?

The average pulse rate is 40 to 70 beats per minute, with respiration being 10 to 30 breaths per minute for beef cows and 18 to 28 breaths per minute for dairy cows.