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Q: Is 'Her eyes were sapphire' a metaphore or a simile?
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Is blue eyes like sapphire a simile?

Yes, because it is using "like or as."

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Is this they were As cannons overcharged with double cracks simily foreshadow Paradox or a metaphore?

Simile, because of the 'as'.

What are some examples of a metapor?

**Note, a metaphore is different to a Simile**Metaphore Examples:~ Her tears ran rivers down her face

What literary term is this sentence The eyes staring at the youth had changed to the dull hue to be seen on the side of a dead fish?

That's a metaphor - the eyes are compared to a slab of mackerel. Many people confuse METAPHORE and SIMILE. A simile is a specific kind of metaphor that uses the words "Like" or "as" or "than" - "My love is like a red red rose" is a simile, but "His career was a house of cards" is a metaphor. They are tricky to grasp sometimes, because Professors of English love to torment students.

What is the definition of simile idiom metaphore?

Please ask ONE question at a time. These three terms have been defined already as separate questions.

How do you rewrite Pablo inhaled and closed his eyes as a simile?

pablo inhaled and closed his eyes. rewrite as a simile

Simile for eyes?


Is the title simbolism or metaphore in ''hills like white elephants''?

The title "Hills Like White Elephants" is a simile because it's a comparison using like or as.

What is a metaphore in fork?

the metaphore of fork what is it?

What figure of speech is 'diamond eyes twinkle'?

it is a simile because it has Like in it.

A simile for eyes and mirror?

as sensitive as mirror