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Q: Is 'creeping like snail' a similie?
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What are the simile of the seven ages of man?

"creeping like snail", "sighing like furnace", and "bearded like the pard".

What are the similes in the seven ages of man speech?

"creeping like snail", "sighing like furnace", and "bearded like the pard".

Is this a metaphor or similie the girl was like a dramatic actress in a play?

Similie. When you use like or as that is a smilie. :)

What a similie?

a simile is something that has "as and like" in it

Does a metahpor use like or as?

Nope, that's a similie. A similie is words using "Like" or "As" in a sentence. A metaphor is a comparasion to two words.

Is as sly as a fox a simile or a metaphor?

It is a similie as you are comparing (something) to how sly the fox is. A similie uses the words "like or "as".

What similie can you do for toes?

You can do his toes were like ogres

The sentence He ate like a pig is a what?

a similie man

What is a similie for the sun?

the sun is like a shining bulb

How would you use similie in a sentence?

Simlies and metaphors are part of the English language. Similies compare like and as. The similie she said was wonderful.

How many seconds does light travel in one year?

Light travels 31,536,000 seconds in a year, just like, let's say, a snail that never stops creeping. But light travels farther than a snail does in the same time. For example, in a year, light travels 9,454,254,955,000 kilometers (5,874,601,673,000 miles).

In the poem all the worlds a stage why is man compared to a snail?

It's not a poem, it's a speech. Have you ever seen a snail? Do you think you could find one who would outrun Usain Bolt? Thought not. Snails move slowly, as does the schoolboy, creeping like a snail unwillingly to school. I'm sure you know people who aren't that enthusiastic about going to school and move slowly when they have to do so.