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Too much. According to the related link below, you're supposed to be feeding only five to six pounds of this stuff per day to your calf.

Please READ THE LABEL on the bag.

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Q: Is 10lb of precon a day enough for a 600lb calf?
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How do you know if a calf is getting enough to eat?

A hungry calf is a healthy calf. Don't feed a calf too much other wise it will scour. Otherwise, you know a calf is getting enough if you are knowingly keeping on top of regular feedings and watching it grow day by day. A healthy calf is a calf that's not lethargic, sickly-looking and interested in eating.

What is the difference between a calf and a whale?

A newborn whale is called a calf. It will be called a calf until it is old enough to leave its mother.

How long will a cow hide its calf?

As long as the cow thinks it is necessary to hide that calf. Usually a cow will hide her calf for a week or two after birth until the calf is strong enough to be up, running and playing with the other calves.

Why do the calf of the leg get numb?

Because you are not getting enough or any circulation.

Could coyotes kill a 350 or 400 lb calf?

If they had enough in a pack to bring one down, and were hungry enough, yes. Coyotes that are alone won't bring down a calf themselves. But if there are more than one, like 2 or 4 in a group, then they could definitely bring down a calf. Most cases of calf killings are not by coyotes, but by feral dogs or wolves.

What is an underground chamber that opens to the surface and is usually big enough for a human to fit in it?


How do you determine that a cow is fertile?

Breed her and see if she settles long enough to birth a calf.

What causes burning in calf muscle?

its a growing pain pr you don't stretch it enough!

What is the dandruff on your 6 week old calf?

because your shampoo is not enough for fighting dundruff

Calve drinks on two 2 teets but not other 2?

What breed is the cow? What size is the calf? How old is the calf? These are all factors that determine whether the calf is full enough drinking from two quarters, or whether the other two quarters may be infected with mastitis and the cow won't let the calf suckle the other two quarters; or the calf's just a newborn and/or is a small calf, and the cow is producing too much milk for such a small calf.

Why would a calf come out dead?

There are a lot of reasons why and reasons that often still have to be figured out yet. Here is a list of why a calf might be born dead:Lethal genetic defects such as Curly Calf SyndromeCow had in fact aborted the calf and the calf came out as a premie but didn't surviveCalf was retained in the uterus too longPlacenta detached from the uterine wall before the calf could be delivered on timeDifficult birth (see bullet #3 and #4)Malnutrition of the dam (i.e., not enough selenium results in sever White Muscle Disease of calf)Other causes that would leave even a veterinarian scratching their head...Other possible reasons that you may find a dead calf could be that you weren't out there enough or soon enough to catch a cow stepping on a calf, or a predator like a coyote, wolf, bear or even a pack of dogs chowing down on it. In the South vultures are to blame for newborn calf deaths. Screwworm flies or blow flies can infest a calf so bad that they are literally eaten alive by the maggots the flies lay on the just-born calf. Even swarms of mosquitoes and black flies can kill a young calf--driving the cow insane in the meantime.If a calf is born in the dead of winter--like on a terribly cold and stormy day--chances of survival could be questionable if you're not out there right away to put the calf in a warmer place. A calf born on a hot day may also have a slim survival rate, especially one that is of a breed not adapted to such hot-temperature days. A calf that is born in a puddle can drown.

Who raises the baby rhinos?

A baby rhinoceros is raised by its mother. The mother provides milk for the calf until it is old enough to eat only solid food. She also protects her calf from predators.