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yes the normal rate can average from 140 BPM to 220 BPM

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Q: Is 176 beats per minute good for a cat?
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Related questions

What is the rate of heart beats for a cat?

It is 30 beats per minute

How many beats does a cheetah make a minute?

A cat's heart beats twice as fast as a human heart, at 110 to 140 beats per minute.

What is a cat's pulse rate?

120-140 beats per minute

How many beats per minute does a cat's heart beat?

130-240 times

How many heartbeats does a kitten heart beat a minute?

A cat's heart beats 120 times a minute when resting and 240 beats a minute when active. In general, smaller animals have a quicker heart rate than larger ones.

How many times does a cat heart beat in one minute?

It all depends on the state of the animal and what animal it is.

What is a heart rate of a cat?

For cats, the usual pulse rate is about 160 to 220 beats per minute, which is double and over the average heart rate of a human.

How do you take a cat's pulse?

You can feel the pulse on the femoral artery. It is inside the hind leg where it joins the groin. the pulse of an adult cat is 160-180 beats per minute while it is around 200 bpm for kittens.

What is the heart rate of a cat?

According to Dr Tammy Shearer in "Emergency First Aid for Your Cat", normal respiratory rate is 24 to 28 breaths per minute. NOrmal temperature is 100.5 to 102.5 degrees Fahrenheit, and normal pulse/heart rate is 110 to 140 beats per minute.

What is the normal heart rate for a cat?

Normal heart rate for a cat is between 120 to 160 beats per minute.

my cat eat 180 pounds a day if my cat eat 176 more how many will my cat eat?


What is a the normal resting heart rate for a dog?

Normal pulse in cats: 130 - 240 beats per minute. How to check your cat's pulse/heartbeat: To check the pulse, feel for the femoral artery which is located close to the surface on the inside of the thigh at the groin. I found it difficult to find the femoral artery to check the pulse, another method which I found much easier was to feel the heartbeat. To do this press against the rib cage over the heart. With the cat standing, feel the pulse just behind the elbow. See image below. Either way, count the number of beats in 15 seconds & then multiply by 4 to get the total number per minute.