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Q: Is 1Cm dilated things to do to bring on labor?
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How much longer do you have to go in pregnancy after you have dilated 1cm and the baby's head is down?

No-one can tell, you may go into labor tonight or you may go another 2 weeks.

If you are 1 cm dilated and 80 percent effaced how long until you go into labor?

I am also 1cm dilated and 80% effaced...1 week ago I was 1 cm dilated and 70% effaced. It is different for everyone...Although my DR. said the norm was 3 days after you lose your mucus plug...good luck

Im dilated to 1cm how long will it be?

depending on the person and the number of pregnancies it could be hours to weeks.

If you had your first baby at 37 weeks can that mean that your second baby will come then too and you have dilated 1cm already?


38 weeks 1cm dilated what can you do to move things along email perfect innocent

Theres lots of wise tales. What has worked for me is a good foot massage as there are known pressure points in the foot that can trigger labor. I just had my daughter 2 years ago and I had a foot rub at 11pm and was in active labor by 10 am the next morning. Sex can trigger labor especially with an orgasm. The wisetales are spicy food and a good walk.

Are you in labor if you are 1cm dilated and have lots of back pain?

Yes, however, on tv you have a contraction & you go to the hospital & the baby is born. With all of my babies, i had back pain & contractions for weeks before they were so painful i could not stand it (active labor- 4 to 8 cm dilated). So if the pain is not bothering you, you are probably having contractions & your body is gearing up to go into heavy, active labor soon!

You are 30 weeks 4days pregnant you are 1cm dilated and 50faced with cervical funneling the baby is -1 station Will you have your baby soon?

Depends.. If this is not your first child. My doctor told me you would be already a Centimeter Dilated, bur if this is your first they would most likely have you come in to be monitored to make sure your labor do not convert to active labor because the baby is still premature.. If the cervix tend to dilate more, they will hospitalize you and to give you medicine to stop contracting.... They will try to hold the baby for at least 7 or 8 more weeks.. If there is an infection or internal issues and with the pregnancy, they will induce the labor

If your 1cm dilated how much time will it take until you dilate enough to be in active labor?

You can be 1cm for a while. Some women have gone months. First you need to realize how far along you are anyway. If you are not 40 weeks yet then it is likely that you wont go into labor any time soon. Also be aware that you can go over 40 weeks. Some women have went up to 44+ weeks. You should contact your doctor/Midwife with any questions.

I was 2cm dilated last week and this week am 1cm. How is this possible?

It could be from different doctors. Was it the same doctor? One doctor may have had smaller fingers than the other.

What is the ring of muscle at the opening of the uterus called?


Which is bigger 14 mm or 1cm?

1cm = 10mm. So 14mm > 1cm.

Which is greater 1mm or 1cm?
