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actually i think 0.5 of klonopin is equal to 10 mgs of valium, so in retrospect klonopin wins!

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Q: Is 1mg kolonopin the same as 10mg Valium?
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If you have 10mg Valium for a dental appointment but you need 15mg can you add 1mg Ativan and get the same basic effect?

Most benzodiazepine equivalency charts show 10mg Valium = 1mg Ativan so it should work, HOWEVER, be cautious when subsitituting or combining benzos as effects are VERY relative to each person. Paradoxical reactions can occur in one benzo and not another. For example, My cousin can't take Valium- it makes her hyper and irritable, but 0.5mg Ativan knocks her out.

Is 1mg Kolonopin equivalent to 1mg Xanax?

No I can take Klonopin and they are weaker than the xanax. they don't work as well or as fast

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I take 1mg or two of kolonopin, with 10mg of lexapro with 4-8mgs of suboxone. it works great for me, but you'll have to be very careful not to exceed more than 3mgkolonopin or a high dose of suboxone such as 16-24mg.

What does 10 mg of Valium equal in xanax?

yes. very much. usually a good way of comparison though not exact is 10mg Valium = 1mg xanax even though the numbers are different. just be careful it's better to take a little and then take more in an hour than just fall asleep and waste it or fall asleep and not wake up.

10mg of Diazapam per week to help with your alcohol abuse?

Not enough. I'd suggest you see an addiction psychiatrist. You will need to stop drinking completely. If I was your doctor, I'd prescribe you 10mg Valium every 6 hours and follow you up daily with a personal phone call. We would gradually reduce the Valium by 1mg/day over the next 40 days. At which time you'd be free of alcohol AND Valium. Good luck!

what is stronger a 5mg Valium or a 10mg Valium?

This truly depends on if you take any medications in the benzodiazipines class. Some that you may of heard of are Xanax, Klonopin, Ativan... there are many others but you are most likely to have heard of xanax or Valium as they are the most commonly know, and in the states Klonopin is one of the most commonly prescribed, due to it's "Lack of dependency quality" this class of drugs in most countries are "controlled" meaning a medical professional would have to prescribe it to you. To get to the nitty-gritty bare bones answer; YES 10mg of Valium is the strongest dose they make... however it is about equal in strength to .5mg of Xanax... similar yet largely different effects, Xanax is most commonly prescribed as an EXTREMELY fast acing drug to be taken when an anxiety attack come on, and is very powerful, yet Valium is more slow to act, and has more of a relaxing, tiring effect. So for someone that takes 5 1mg xanax a day, Valium is not strong to that user, however for someone that has never taken one of these medications before or does not take benzodiazipines regularly, consult with your Doctor to make sure that 10mg is NOT to strong for you.

F you took a 1mg tablet xanax fri evening and 2 1mg tablets satmorning will you pass a urine drug screen at the doctors office the following fri afternoonwill xanax and Valium show up as the same meds?

Yes, you should pass and yes, they show the same - benzos. . .

What is dosage of Xanax?

Xanax comes in .25 .5 1mg and 2mg also comes in 10mg also called schoolbuses

If switching from 1mg of xanax to Ativan or Valium what would be the equivalant in mgs?

1mg Xanax = 2mg Ativan or 20mg Valium. You also have to consider onset and duration of action. Xanax is very fast-acting but only has a half-life of 6-12 hours. Ativan has a relatively quick onset with a half-life of 10-20 hours. Valium on the other hand, is a slow-acting benzo and stays in your system for days.

How much stronger than Valium is rohypnol?

Rohypnol is MUCH MUCH STRONGER than Valium. I say much twice..because for once it is stronger than Xanax & VALIUM. It contains 10 mgs of Valium, which would equal about .5 mgs of Xanax, this meaning that Xanax (Alprazolam) is a more potent drug than Valium (Diazapam)! Xanax is also a much quicker acting drug than Valium & also stronger. One blue 10mg Valium equals to 0.50mg of Xanax. That is how strong Xanax is. Then I say MUCH AGAIN because Rohypnol is stronger than other benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax, and Halcion. 10mg tab of diazepam, and half the strength of a 1mg tab of Xanax, equivalence-wise. Rohypnol is 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. Rohypnol's effects include sedation, muscle relaxation, reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. It's also very addictive, so never use Rohypnol in the long-term. This drug should only be prescribed for short-term treatment of any of the above issues. Hope this answered your question :) xXx

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dont do it... xanex is a benzo. XANEX AND METHADONE have a very high potential for a DEADLY combination, as do all benzos w methadone. talk to your dr about mixing the others.