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Q: Is 8.2 blood glucose level good or bad?
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Is 140 bad blood sugar reading in morning?

that's kind of high

Is 250 high blood glucose?

i would lower it because above 250 doesnt look so good, over 250 is bad news.

Is ozone good bad or both?

The ozone is both good and bad. Good at the ground level and bad at the atmospheric level.

do walnuts have colesterol?

Colesterol is in your blood, not in walnuts. Walnuts have unsaturated fats. Eating walnuts (and peanuts) can contribute to a higher level of good colesterol in your blood which automatically lowers the level of bad colesterol.

Is a 140 glucose reading bad?

A blood glucose level of 143 is slightly high. You are likely to notice some effects but everyone's reactions could be different. You need to talk to your doctor to find out what it means for you in combination with other factors. If you are diagnosed with diabetes, it is routinely treated with medication. That level is probably not dangerous, however if you just ate your level could quickly rise to dangerous even fatal levels if left untreated.

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Blood type isn't good or bad. It is simply how your blood is composed.

How can the ozone be both good and bad for life on earth?

Its good because us from the ultraviolent radiation and the bad thing is if it crack or made a hole it will melt the ice caps

Does the right ventricle have good or bad blood in it?

The right ventricle has deoxgenated blood in it if that is what you mean by "bad blood". The left ventrical has oxgenated blood in it, or what you mean by "good blood"

Is 100 percent blood oxygen level normal or bad?

If you are talking about the pulse oximetry level (device is usually clipped to a person's finger or ear lobe), 100% is as good as it gets! That is perfect.

If the human body makes good sugar which is glucose why don't people just put that in foods instead of bad sugar?

Glucose is the fuel for our cells, but it is not really good for eating straight. Our bodies are designed to get glucose from from natural foods such as fruits vegetables, grains and even fat. Our metabolism creates glucose from these raw materials gradually when we need it. If you eat glucose, you are dumping it straight into your blood at once which can cause massive swings in your blood sugar levels. This may bring about emotional disturbances, hyperactivity, obesity and eventually type 2 diabetes. Eating natural whole foods gives you a stable blood sugar level which is ideal for good health. The only time it is good to eat/drink glucose is if you are in urgent need of sugar, eg after prolonged exercise, if weak from diarhoea and vomiting, or a diabetic going into insulin shock.If you want to use labels like "good sugar" then I'd say glucose is a "bad sugar" because it is not being measured out by our metabolism. Sucrose (table sugar) is half bad because in the mouth it splits quickly into glucose and fructose. The fructose might be called the "good sugar" because it has to be coverted into glycogen and stored thereby avoiding the dumping effect. However fructose in large quantities is not good for you because it causes some damage to your body before being converted to glycogen.What is good for you is to eat whole natural foods and avoid dumping lots of sugar into your body at once.

Is a high level of a1c blood sugar bad?

Far more important than a single fasting blood glucose reading is the number of hours a day our blood sugar spends elevated over the level known to cause complications, which is roughly 140 mg/dl (7.7 mmol/L). It''ll discuss this in more detail in the OGGT section.