

Is ADHD normal

Updated: 9/7/2023
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13y ago

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IMHO if it were normal it wouldn't be considered a mental , developmental disorder.

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Q: Is ADHD normal
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Can a child with ADHD have a normal education?

Absolutely! There are medications that can help children with ADHD focus in school such as aderol. Also, there are teachers and student aids that are specially trained to teach in a way that will engage students with ADHD. They can definitely have a normal education.

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How do you date a girl with ADHD in High School?

just pretend liike she is a normal girl shes not all that much different jus cuz she has adhd

How does Percy's ADHD keep him alive in the fight?

Half Bloods have ADHD because it is their fighting reflexes and that is why it helps him

Must a person with ADHD go to a special school?

Yes; as with most mental disorders there are varying degrees of severity. Some individuals with ADHD believe it has contributed to their success, not failure.

Can ADHD people could go to college?

Yes, ADHA is a myth. You were never ADHD. This is a normal part of life to be hyper sometimes, not to be focused sometimes this is normal your be human. Your parents and teachers just didn't want to deal with you so they doped you up.

Is 104 bpm normal for a relaxed at rest three year old female?

if he has adhd. give it ridilin

How does ADHD work?

Basically, a normal person's brain has a ratio of resting periods to active periods around 2. People with ADD/ADHD have ratios that are either significantly lower than 2 (this is rare), or around 2.7+. The brain of a person with ADD/ADHD is simply taking too many resting periods than the brain of a normal person, which isn't consciously controlled by the person.

How does ADHD?

Basically, a normal person's brain has a ratio of resting periods to active periods around 2. People with ADD/ADHD have ratios that are either significantly lower than 2 (this is rare), or around 2.7+. The brain of a person with ADD/ADHD is simply taking too many resting periods than the brain of a normal person, which isn't consciously controlled by the person.

What does ADHD do?

adhd stands for attention deficit hyperactive disorder. It can make people of all ages unable to concentrate on all different activities. ADHD is also characterized by hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness. People who have this have difficulty in paying attention during a conversation or having an inattention to detail, the process of information on their brain might not work as fast as a normal person's would.

When someone has to take drugs just to feel normal, this is called what?

I have adhd so I feel “normal" because technically it's making me function like a “normal" person. I placed a link in my Bio you can check it out

What is the difference between an autistic child and a child that has ADHD?

my sister as ADhd and she is not a bad kid she just couldn't understand things as well and was full of energy all the time and if you think your kid might have ADHD then you should take he or she to the doctor to get tested.