

Is A N D is an identifier?

Updated: 9/14/2023
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14y ago

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A N D is not an identifier as it has spaces in between each letter. A valid identifier DOES NOT have space in it.

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Q: Is A N D is an identifier?
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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<process.h> struct proc { int live; int identifier; }process[10]; int n,cordinator=1; /******************* DISPLAY PROCESSES **********************/ void display() { int i; printf("\n PROCESSES ARE\n\n"); printf("Processes "); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("P%d\t",i); } printf("\nlive "); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("%d\t",process[i].live); } printf("\nidentifier "); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("%d\t",process[i].identifier); } } /************ BULLY ALGORITHM ****************************/ void bully() { int ch,c,id,i=0,cordinator,init,max=-99; cordinator=i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(process[cordinator].identifier<process[i].identifier&& process[i].live==1) cordinator=i; } printf("\n\n CURRENT CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d",cordinator); while(ch!=4) { printf("\n\n\n *** BULLY ALGORITHM ***"); printf("\n1.Crash a Process\n2.Activate Process\n3.Display\n4.Exit"); printf("\nENTER UR CHOICE"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\n Enter the process id to crash"); scanf("%d",&id); if(process[id].live==0) { printf("\n Already crashed process"); } else { process[id].live=0; printf("\n process P%d is crashed",id); if(id==cordinator) { while(1) { printf("\n Enter process id who intiates election"); scanf("%d",&init); if(process[init].live==0) { printf("\n the selected process is crashed"); } else { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(i!=init&& process[i].identifier>process[init].identifier) printf("\n Election MSG sent from %d to %d",init,i); } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(i!=init) { if(process[i].identifier>process[init].identifier&&process[i].live!=0) { printf("\n OK from %d to %d",i,init); } } } for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(max<process[i].identifier && process[i].live!=0) { cordinator=i; max=process[i].identifier; } } printf("\n\n NEW CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d",cordinator); break; } } } } break; case 2:printf("\n Enter process id to activate"); scanf("%d",&id); if(process[id].live==1) { printf("\n Process %d is already active",id); } else { process[id].live=1; printf("\n Process %d activated",id); } if(process[id].identifier>process[cordinator].identifier) {cordinator=id; printf("\n NEW CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d\n\n",id); } break; case 3:display(); break; case 4:break; } } } /************ RING ALGORITHM ****************************/ void ring() { int ch,c,id,i=0,init,max=-99,last; // cordinator=i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(process[cordinator].identifier<process[i].identifier&&process[i].live==1) cordinator=i; } printf("\n\n CURRENT CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d",cordinator); while(ch!=4) { printf("\n\n\n *** RING ALGORITHM ***"); printf("\n1.Crash a Process\n2.Activate Process\n3.Display\n4.Exit"); printf("\nENTER UR CHOICE"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\n Enter the process id to crash"); scanf("%d",&id); if(process[id].live==0) { printf("\n Already crashed process"); } else { process[id].live=0; printf("\n process P%d is crashed",id); if(id==cordinator) { while(1) { printf("\n Enter process id who intiates election"); scanf("%d",&init); if(process[init].live==0) { printf("\n the selected process is crashed"); } else { last=init; printf("\nElection MSG sent from =%d",last); for(i=init+1;i<=n;i++) { if(i!=init) printf(" ->%d",i); } for(i=1;i<init;i++) { if(i!=init) printf("->%d",i); last=i; } /* for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(i!=init) { if(process[i].identifier>process[init].identifier&&process[i].live!=0) { printf("\n OK from %d to %d",i,init); } } } */ // max=process[init].identifier; for(i=init+1;i<=n;i++) { if(max<process[i].identifier && process[i].live==1) { cordinator=i; max=process[i].identifier; } } for(i=1;i<=init;i++) { if(max<process[i].identifier && process[i].live==1) { cordinator=i; max=process[i].identifier; } } printf("\n\n NEW CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d",cordinator); break; } } } } break; case 2:printf("\n Enter process id to activate"); scanf("%d",&id); if(process[id].live==1) { printf("\n Process %d is already active",id); } else { process[id].live=1; printf("\n Process %d activated",id); if(process[id].identifier>process[cordinator].identifier) { printf("\n NEW CO-ORDINATOR IS=P%d\n\n",id); cordinator=id; } } break; case 3:display(); break; case 4:break; } } } void main() { int ch,i,c; clrscr(); printf("\n ENTER NO. OF PROCESSES"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("\nEnter P%d process live or not(0/1)",i); scanf("%d",&process[i].live); printf("\nEnter P%d process identifier",i); scanf("%d",&process[i].identifier); } display(); while(1) { printf("\n\n\n**** ELECTION ALGORITHM ****"); printf("\n1.BULLY ALGORITHM\n2.RING ALGORITHM\n3.EXIT"); printf("\n\n ENTER UR CHOICE"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:bully(); break; case 2: ring(); break; case 3:exit(0); } } }

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