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I've recently started taking Adderall also, I was recently diagnosed with pancolitis which is an inflammation of the entire large intestine (Colon). At first I thought this may be due to the Adderall, I have been on it 5months and have never had an issue (taking 10mg IR 2x/day). I believe mine is from salmonella or C-Diff, which by working in surgery I probably come in contact with far too often. My MD says the Adderall is NOT the cause of my Colon issues. Adderall does have the side effect of diarrhea but I believe that is just due to stomach upset and not colitis. Also the IR version is meant to be absorbed quickly into your system so I would assume that would take place in the stomach and not far down the GI Tract as the colon. I also tend to chase my Adderall down with a 5Hr Energy, not recommended but I'd rather Be on a low dose followed by an energy drink that some of the very high doses other people are on. My biggest problem with Adderall is that I keep losing weight. I'm a 34yo M who is 5'8" and now weighs 140lbs. Probably lost 15lbs in 3 months. Weight loss and malnourishment can cause diarrhea and colitis issues though. Sorry to go off on a tangent here, just saw your post and thought I'd try to add some insight/experience

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