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Alzheimer's Disease is not known to be caused by an infectious agent. The disease's cause is still being investigated. Even if it were caused by an infectious agent, it would not likely be used for bioterrorism because the disease process tends to be slow.

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Q: Is Alzheimer's Disease an infectious agent that could be used as a weapon of bioterrorism?
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What is a biological agent?

This is a disease organism that can be used as a weapon of war, The purpose is to spread disease through the opposing force, reducing their ability to fight. A well known example would be anthrax, a disease spread by spores.

Is the us military trying to use smallpox disease as a weapon?


What is the most effective weapon against this disease?

Er...which disease exactly? Different ones have different weapons to fight them and their spread?

What was the most devastating weapon that the Europeans brought with them to the Americas?

They mainly brought disease such as smallpox or measles, but they also brought muskets.

What is more likely biological warfare or bio terrorists?

Most countries have signed agreements that biological agents will not be used in warfare so biological warfare is unlikely especially given that some of the countries who are big believers in no biowarfare are nuclear capable. Bioterrorism is more likely as people acting independently of government/state can do what they feel fit. Also the word "terrorism" gives a clue as to the objective. The threat of bioterrorism achieves the goal of terrorising even if the terrorists lack the capablility of producing a weapon which would cause serious harm. At present the world is "terrorised" by the threat of a naturally occurring strain of the flu virus the idea of bioterrorism can easily feed off these ideas and create conspiracy theories and terror.

What actually is smallpox?

Definitions of smallpox on the Web:a highly contagious viral disease characterized by fever and weakness and skin eruption with pustules that form scabs that slough off leaving scars is an infectious disease unique to humans, caused by either of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor. ... 2002: Silent Weapon is a fictional docudrama produced by Wall to Wall, showing how a single act of bioterrorism leads to terrifying ... acute, highly infectious often fatal disease caused by a virus of the family Poxviridae. It was completely eradicated in the 1970s. Those who survived were left with pockmarks highly contagious disease caused by a type of poxvirus; symptoms usually include a fever and a blistery-like rash. caused by the poxvirus and characterized by skin eruptions and pustules. acute infectious disease, also called variola; causes a high fever (sometimes death) and distinct blisters on the skin that often result in permanent scars. acute, highly infectious, often lethal viral disease characterized by chills, fever, headache and eventual formation of widespread pus-filled ... first effective vaccine developed treated smallpox, a virulent disease that killed thousands of its victims and left thousands of others disfigured. ... contagious disease characterized by fever, pus-filled bumps on the skin, separation of dead tissue, and scar formation; caused by a poxvirus that is believed to exist now only in lab cultures. highly contagious and often fatal viral infection that has been completely eradicated by immunization there has not been an outbreak of Smallpox in decades, there is the threat of the disease being used as a biological weapon. Therefore, laboratory settings keep a stock of the vaccine on hand. Smallpox symptoms include fever, rash, headache, and body aches. ... disease that broke out on the Plains in the summer of 1781 and was followed by out breaks in 1801, 1816, 1836 and 1869. ... highly infectious viral disease that has nonetheless been eradicated. Infection results, after about two weeks, in a high fever, head and body ... a disease caused by a DNA virus. A smallpox epidemic of 1780-1782 devastated the Native populations of the Great Lakes and the Northwest ...

Can a disease be used as a weapon?

Yes. For example, smallpox, a devastating disease that has been eradicated worldwide, still exists in laboratories today. This is a disease that can be used as a bioterrorist attack against other countries. Our world has experienced examples of using disease as weapons as early as the era of the Black Plague, in which corpses inflicted with the horrible plague were ruthlessly catapulted over walls to spread the infectious disease.

What is biological agent?

This is a disease organism that can be used as a weapon of war, The purpose is to spread disease through the opposing force, reducing their ability to fight. A well known example would be anthrax, a disease spread by spores.

What is the demonic view of disease?

The mindset of those living in the first century was that sickness was a work of Satan, a heavy weapon of his demonic force. Sickness and disease were ways in which Satan ruled the world.

What diseases cause a virus?

A virus does not cause a disease but it will weapon your immune system and make you more susceptible to contracting diseases.

What is marburg?

It was a disease used by the Russians during the cold war as a bio weapon. It is said to turn your insides into liquid in a matter of a week or two

What is bioterrorism?

The use of biological agents, such as pathogenic organisms or agricultural pests, for terrorist purposes. OR Terrorism using the weapons of biological warfare. OR Terrorism that relies on spreading diseases, such as anthrax and smallpox. OR The use of biological agents as weapons of terror. Anthrax bacteria are one such agent, while smallpox is considered one of the more likely lethal viruses that could serve as a weapon of bioterror.