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Yes, it definitely was fake. It was meant to look like a documentary, but the entire thing was fictional. I enclose a link that explains the hoax and refutes it.

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Q: Is Animal Planet mermaid body found a hoax?
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What is the Feejee mermaid?

It was supposedly a mermaid that someone found. It was a hoax. Someone just cut the body off of a monkey and sewed it to the tail of a fish

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Some important organelles in an animal cell include the nucleus (containing genetic material), mitochondria (producing energy), endoplasmic reticulum (involved in protein synthesis), Golgi apparatus (modifying and packaging proteins), lysosomes (breaking down waste), and cytoskeleton (providing structure and support).

Did someone find the body of a mermaid?

No. There reported cases, but all of those that were actually analyzed were found to be fake.

Where is a animal cell found in a animal?

An animal cell can be found inside the whole animal. There is no spacific place where there is a cell. There are cells everywhere in the body.. :) :) :)

How do you know mermaids arent real?

Nature would not allow an animal and a human live in the same body. That is TWO different types of DNA. We know where the myths began and which cultures made them up. They come from a time when there was no science. No ONE has EVER found a body of a mermaid because they aren't real.

Are Golgi body found in plant and animal cells?

Yes, the Golgi apparatus is found in both plant and animal cells.

Where does the matter found in the body of an animal come form?

The sun

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What if some body see your a mermaid is it OK or not?

You are not a mermaid. People can not become part fish and part human and live. Mermaids are make believe and do not exist. If you want to be a mermaid get a costume.

What two cell parts that are found in plant cells are not found in animal cells?

Central Vacuole, Golgi Body

Are skeletons found inside the body of an animal only?

Yes they are found only inside animals body because they are a living thing. I hope that answers to your question. :)