

Is Artemis Zeus daughter

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Yup.. :)

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Q: Is Artemis Zeus daughter
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What is Artemis's relationship with Zeus?

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus.

Who is Artemis to Zeus?

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus by Leto, her twin brother is Apollo.

How is Artemis related to Zeus?

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus by Leto; her twin brother is Apollo.

Is Artemis related to Zeus?

Yes, Artemis is the daughter of Zeus by Leto.

What is the name of Zeus' daughter Artemis' mom?

Leto, the lover of Zeus, was the mother of Artemis and Apollo.

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Zeus is the father of Artemis. Cupid is the son of Aphrodite, who is the daughter of Zeus.

Is artimis the son of Zeus?

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus, yes.

Does Artemis' have a step-mother?

Artemis is the daughter of Zeus: Hera is the wife of Zeus, and was married to Zeus at the time of Artemis' birth - so, yes, Hera is the step-mother of Artemis.

What is the origin of Artemis?

She was the daughter of Zeus and Leto.

What was Diana to Zeus?

Diana was the Roman goddess that is identified with Artemis. Artemis was the daughter of Zeus and Leto. Diana was the daughter of Jove/Jupiter who was identified with Diana.

Who were Artemis perants'?

Artemis is the daughter of Leto and Zeus. Artemis is also the twin sister of Apollo.

Who was Artemis's brother and what were his powers?

Apollo was Artemis's sister she was never married and was the daughter of Zeus.