

Is Bacterium larger than human blood cell?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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Bacteria are in general ranges from 0.5 to 5µm (micrometer) in length. blood cells ranges from 7-12 µm. so blood cells are bigger than Bacterium.

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Probably because of the tail. It also depends on what kind of sperm are you looking at. The Head of the Human Sperm is 5µm and the tail is around 50µm. Human Red Blood Cell is 6-8µm. But if you will look at a bulls sperm its larger the human rbc and sperm

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How does white blood cell kill a bacterium?

lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) produce antibodies which will attach themselves to foreign particles. so a detected bacterium will have many antibodies surrounding it and stuck to it. antibodies which have attached themselves to the bacterium will send a signal to the phagocytes (another type of white blood cell) to come and 'eat'. so the phagocytes will engulf the bacterium, and secrete lysozyme (an enzyme which cuts up everything that comes into contact with it) to digest the bacterium, killing it. thank you for that :poopyloopy dark orbit.