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Q: Is Being in a crash at 30 MPH the equivalent force of being dropped off a four story building?
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Is being in a crash at 30 mph equivalent to being dropped from a 4 story building?

Pretty close.

Being in a crash at 30 MPH has the equivalent force of being dropped off a four story building?


Is Being in a crash at 30 MPH has the equivalent force of being dropped off a four story building?

well if you were dropped off a 4story building you would probly die but a car crash is kinda different so i guess you would die in a car crash if you were a little kid but if you arent then i don't think you will

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Being in a 30 mph crash has the equivalent force of?

3 story building!

How fast in miles per hour would an object dropped from that building be going when it hit?

It depends upon a number of factors, among them being the height of the building.

Is it true that being in a crash at 30 mph has the equivilent force of being dropped off a four story building?

Yes, its true. I had driver's ed, and my teacher explained to us the mechanics.

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A coin. It is heavier, and thus less affected by air resistance.

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Usually from being dropped, or being set down too hard.

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