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no, no he isn't

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Q: Is Bes a god that Egypt people believe in?
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Who was Bes in Egypt?

Bes was god and protector of the home, childbirth, infants, humor, song and dance.

What was the Egyptian god bes the god of?

The Egyptian god Bes was the dwarf god.

What was the name of the god that was to protect the people on earth in ancient Egypt?

I believe this God was Geb, the God of the Earth.

Who was the Egyptian god that protected people from sickness and harm?


Are there any gods in Egypt?

Yes, people in both modern and ancient Egypt believe in god(s).

What god does the Arab people in Egypt believe in?

they believe in 1 god, that god gave them 5 duties (which are alms giving, fasting, prayer, faith (believe in one god), and pilgrimage.

Why was the pharaoh so important to the Egyptians?

The people of Egypt seemed to believe that the Pharaoh was a personified god. They were not only the rulers of the region but they were also living God's.

Why is Egyptian god bes important?

He protected the homes and children of people.

Who is the Egyptian dwarf god?

The name of the Egyptian's dwarf god is Bes, who is also god of pregnant women.

Who is Bes in Egypt?

He was a god who was depicted in appearance as a Leonine dwarf. His association(s)/role include solar; rebirth; houshold; childbirth.

What kinds of god or gods do they have in Egypt?

Egypt is a majority Muslim nation with a seizable minority of coptic christians. So most of the people from there believe in a single god.

What significance did Bes have in Egyptian mythology?

Bes is an Ancient Egypt God, who is a protector of the household and specifically of the mothers and children. His image was normally keep at home in a belief that he would protect the household by fighting off the evil spirits.