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very much so,the girls there have been known to be very callous and mean,trust me my cousin went there and ended up leaving because of bullying issues

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Q: Is Brisbane Girls Grammar School a snobby school?
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ugly snobby private school boys

How do you act famous?

well you can act snobby and when your dad takes you to school tell him to wear a cap

How do you become popular at school when the kids act wild snobby and hang out with the jocks?

Become a jock

Are guys snobby?

Yes, men can be just as snobby as women sometimes.

What do you do with the buried treasure chest you found in the dessert?

well, if its in the dessert, you eat it. if its in the desert, like the hot places, you either sell it or keep it and brag about it at school and get beat up 4 acting like a snobby annoying rich cheese head.

Could you show me a diamante poem for home and school?

Dogs Happy, Friendly Running, Jumping, Barking Paws, Tails, Claws, Teeth Hiding, Avoiding, Demanding Snobby, Skittish Cats Hpoe this helps u guys!!

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Is Kristen Stewart snobby?

She is very snobby and rather rude to Robert at times. Plus, what is with her hair, it looks horrible!

Why do all teenagers walk the same way?

because they want to be popular like the rest of the kids who run the school like middle schoolers the eigth graders run the school but in each grade they have that one person who thinks that they are better than someone . you have your geeks , normals , the lipstick girls and then you have that girl who want s to date everyone , be snobby and wear short things and gets f's and d's .

How do you deal with a popular snobby cheerleader?

You need to be nice to her i know it sounds crazy but i made some huge mistakes in high school and the best way to beat her is to be nice cause fighting fire with fire will never work just try it and dont let her bother you :))))

Is Airmen Ross a snobby Bisexual?

LOL This is funny but I can see it. She is real snobby and as for bisexual...IDK but it's very possible.

What rhymes with blobby?

hobby snobby