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No. Islam just pray only to God (Allah). Same God; the Creator; worshiped by Jews and Christians.

There is no human or any other beeing that Muslims pray to.

First pillar of Islam five pillars is to worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence and to witness that Muhammad is His prophet and messenger. refer to question below.

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Q: Is Buddah something that Islam pray to?
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which pray was the first pray in Islam and who performed it and where.

Buddahs pray to who?

BuDenuded dint nessescarily "pray" to anyone. Buddah isn't a god, but a teacher that found a way to end suffering.

Where Do Islam's Pray?

everywhere. but especially in mosques.

Do Islam have buddah?

Answer: Islam states that There is none worthy of worship except God.Any worship actions for saints, prophets or any human being are prohibited in Islam.

How year old do you have to be when you have to pray in Islam?

A person of any age can pray in Islam as long as they have good intent.

Where did Islam pray at?

at a mosque

Where did budda come from?

Buddah Buddah Buddah

Where do people of Islam pray?

in the chapel

Who do Islam pray to?

Muslims, Islamic people. pray to Allah, whom they believe is god.

What do Islam followers wair?

we can wear anything but when we pray we have to wear anything that has no animal or dragons on that but on a special holiday you wear something called panjabi.

Is it ok to pray for a dog in Islam?

Yes, if the dog is suffering from pain or something else of course you can pray for dog recovery. God, the Creator, is the All-Merciful. His mercy is covering all his creatures and all the universe.