

Is C2O a ionic or covelant bond?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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Ionic bonds are only between a metal and a non-metal

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Q: Is C2O a ionic or covelant bond?
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If you mean ionic, covelant or metallic: Metallic bonding is between 2 metal atoms. Ionic bonding is betwen non metal and metal atoms. Covelant bonding is between 2 non-metals.

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Ionic (pair) boning is stronger than covelant (shared) bonding.

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A covalent bond is much stronger than an ionic bond.

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If sodium has one electron in its outer shell and chlorine has seven in its outer shell will they have an ionic tranferring bond or an ionic sharing bond?

they would actually have a covelant transferring bond. that was probably supposed to be one of the choices you put, right?-this is incorrect. a covalent bond is formed when the electrons of atoms are shared. In this case, the valence electron of the sodium(NA) is transferred to the chlorine(Cl) atom, then the opposite charges are attracted. this is an ionic bond and this is how sodiumchloride is formed.**this is an ionic bond.

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