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There are quite a lot of operators in C and C++, here are the basic ones:

  • && - AND
  • - OR
  • ! - NOT
  • ^ - XOR
  • = - Assign
  • == - Equal to
  • != - Not Equal to
  • + - Add
  • - - Subtract
  • * - Multiply
  • / - Divide
  • % - Modulo
  • < - Less than
  • > - More than
  • <= - Less than or equal to
  • >= - More than or equal to
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10y ago

Procedural programming is akin to spaghetti code, using unstructured loops, labels and goto statements and no procedure calls, function calls or subroutines. In other words, to write an entirely procedural program in C++, the entire program must be written within one function (main) and you cannot call any standard functions nor use any structured loops (neither for, while nor do-while). Such programs tend to be trivial as they are not only difficult to both read and maintain, you must implement all functionality within main.

Structured programming allows structured loops and procedure calls, often in addition to procedural programming. C++, like C before it, is a structured language but one that also incorporates object oriented programming principals. However, you are not obliged to use either OOP or structured principals, you are free to use any combination of procedural, structured and OOP as you see fit. Although prevalent use of the goto keyword is generally frowned upon, it still has legitimate uses provided such usage does not render code difficult to read or maintain.

It should be noted that machine code and the assembly instructions to produce it are strictly procedural, regardless of whether the source code is procedural, structured or OOP.

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10y ago

There aren't any. C++ is 34 years old (as of 2013). If any more operators were needed they'd have been recommended long before now, and if they actually merited inclusion in the language then they'd already be in the language.

The operators provided both mimic the procedural logic and arithmetic circuits within the CPU, and can be combined in various ways to augment those basic functions in an infinite number of ways, both procedurally and within the object-oriented paradigm. There is no need for new operators, but if you ever need a specific operator that is not provided by the language then you can easily implement an user-defined function to cater for it.

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Newtum Solutions

Lvl 5
1y ago

Similar to C language, C++ also has several operators that are used to perform various operations on variables and values.

Here is a list of some of the most commonly used operators in C++:

Arithmetic operators: +, -, *, /, % (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulus)

Assignment operators: =, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, &=, |=, ^=, =

Comparison operators: ==, !=, , = (equal to, not equal to, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to)

Logical operators: && (AND), || (OR), ! (NOT)

Bitwise operators: &, |, ^ (AND, OR, XOR), ~ (complement)

Increment and decrement operators: ++ (increment), -- (decrement)

Conditional operator: ?: (ternary operator)

Member access operators: . (dot operator), -> (arrow operator)

Sizeof operator: sizeof

Typecast operators: static_cast, dynamic_cast, reinterpret_cast, const_cast

Again, it's important to note that there may be some additional operators depending on the specific C++ compiler or implementation being used.

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10y ago

It is both. C++ is actually multi-paradigm: object-oriented, structured, functional, procedural and generic.

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9y ago

There are 59 operators in C++, including the 48 operators inherited from C. C++11 includes 4 additional operators bringing the total to 63 operators in all.

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Q: Is C plus plus a procedural or object oriented language?
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Which type of language c plus plus is?

It's an imperative, procedural and Object-Oriented programming language.

Is c plus plus is pure object oriented?

No. C is not object-oriented, it is a procedural language.C++, while object-oriented, is not purelyobject-oriented. One of the requirements for a pure object-oriented language is that everything is an object. C++ still has primitive data types (int, long, double, etc.), and so is not purely object-oriented.

What the difference between c and c plus plus?

The fundamental difference is that in C++ object-oriented programming (OOP) was added. C is a procedural language (that means. top-down structure design), where as C++, which is an extension of C itself, is an object oriented language.

Is c plus plus an object orinted language?

Yes, it is object-oriented, but it is not 100% object-oriented because it supports the concept of primitive variables (which it inherits from C) such as char, int and bool, as well as pointer variables. In a 100% object-oriented language, these primitives would be implemented as objects, as they are in C# and Java. C++ is best described as a hybrid of procedural, structured and object-oriented programming paradigms.

Difference of c plus plus and fox pro?

C++ is a generic, general purpose, object-oriented, structured programming language used to produce native machine code programs. FoxPro is a procedural language and Database Management System (DBMS).

What language is completely object oriented c plus plus or java?

Java is the complete object oriented Programming Language as every thing in java is an object,

Is vc plus plus is an object oriented language?

Yes, but it is not a pure object-oriented language. Since C++ evolved from C, it still makes use of primitives which are not part of the object-oriented paradigm.

What is diffence between c and c plus plus?

main difference b/w c and c++ is that c is procedural language whereas c++ is object oriented language also classes are not used in c but in c++ classes are used.

Why c plus plus language is called command oriented language?

C++ is not a command oriented language, it is a multi-paradigm language because it employs functional and object-oriented approaches to programming.

How c plus plus is a procedure based language?

C is both. The characteristics of a procedural oriented language: assignment operators (:= in C) The characteristics of a structured programming language: block of codes ({} in C) for if-else, while-, for- loops, subroutines, etc.

Is c plus plus an object oriented language or an object based language?

C++ is object-oriented. It is not object-based because, like C before it, C++ supports the principal of primitive data types, which are not object-based.

What is the significance of c plus plus?

C++ is an object oriented programming language