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Q: Is Chuck Beickel the Pastor of Faith Baptist Church in Layton Utah a divorced pastor?
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Did John Huffman and Trustees at Faith Baptist Church in Layton Utah condone a divorced preacher leading the Church?

no, the members of Faith Baptist Church agreed on what the Bible says and made a choice. I was told there was a 97% vote to choose their Pastor staying.

Is it okay for leaders of a baptist church in layton utah to take part in a ponzi scheme?

It is never ok to take part in a ponzi scheme. It is not honest or legal.

Why did Faith Baptist Church in Layton Utah allow a ponzi schemer by the name of Ray Morris to join its Church and then swindle a number of faithful members in the church?

It was because the pastor and the other leaders of the church set a bad example to the general members of the church. They became greedy of gain and was promised with exhorbitant returns on their money. This is how a swindler penetrates a church. First it starts with the leaders of that church and when the swindler has won them over then it spreads by word of mouth to other members. Then one by one each person gets excited and wants to get in. The leaders of the church should be held accountable for even "buying" into it. I bet none of them even took responsibility for what happened.

Who was Jack Layton's ex-wife?

Jack Layton married his high school sweetheart Sally Halford at age nineteen. The couple had a son named Mike and a daughter named Sarah together. They were divorced after 14 years of marriage in 1983. Jack married Olivia Chow in 1988.

What nicknames did Lord Layton go by?

Lord Layton went by Lord Athol Layton, and Athol Layton.

Will there be a temple in Layton Utah?

Probably not anytime soon, with one in Bountiful and one in Ogden, but it is possible. It is rumored that the Church has two pieces of property in Salt Lake County for additional temples, which makes me think they probably have some in the Layton area as well.

Who is Luke in Professor Layton?

In Professor Layton, Luke is Professor Layton's apprentice/assistant. He goes with Layton everywhere. His father [Clark Triton] is collage friends with Layton so that's how they met. Also Luke is professor Layton's friend (professor layton says so in the lost future).

Why did Faith Baptist Church in Layton Utah change its constitution to allow Pastor Chuck Beickel to continue as a divorced pastor?

Because the congregation is obviously and blatantly ignorant of the Biblical requirements for local church officers. OR… There are folks there at FBC-Layton whose attitude is like this: "I was here before Chuck Beickel was and I'm not leaving…he should leave not me…It's my church…" I Timothy 3:2-7 Lists the BIBLICAL qualifications for the office of pastor. Included in this list is: (1) "...the husband of one wife..." [i.e. not a divorcee ... marital integrity] For centuries reliable New Testament scholars understood this phrase to mean: "not a divorced man". Within recent years however, this sound interpretation has changed. Why ? God's Word is now being twisted in order to accommodate ministers with marital problems & divorcee status. (2) " who rules his own house well ... if a man does not know how to rule his own house, how will he take care of the church of God ? A Christian minister's first and most important God-given obligation is to his own family. Family BEFORE ministry... this is the biblical order. Pastoral family qualifications are also listed in Titus 1:5-9 Notice here even a minister's children are mentioned, "...having faithful children not accused of dissipation or insubordination..." There must be domestic and marital stability within the home. When a Christian minister demonstrates domestic instability and fails to maintain marital integrity, he should do the right thing and humbly STEP DOWN. A Christian minister's first and most important God-given obligation is to his own family. Family BEFORE ministry... this is the biblical order. These passages taken together indicate clearly that a Christian minister who has domestic, i.e. family, conflicts - between husband & wife, or serious problems with children - is not qualified to hold the office of pastor. Pastoral qualifications are also listed in the following passages: (a) Titus 1:7 "For a bishop must be... not self-willed..." A pastor is not to have an attitude like; "It's either my way or the highway... I'm in charge here, if you don't like it, get out" Commentaries on this phrase: -- Not one who is determined to have his own way in everything; setting up his own judgment to that of all others; expecting all to pay homage to his understanding. (from Adam Clarke's Commentary) -- [He is not to be] dogmatical, impatient of contradiction, and unyielding. Such a man, evidently, is not fit for the office of a minister of the gospel. (from Barnes' Notes) Unfortunately, many Independent Fundamental Baptist pastors operate by self-will and are in violation of this Bible passage. (b) I Peter 5:1-4 "...nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock..." A pastor is not to function as a dictator within the local church but to act as a model for others to follow. In IFB (Independent Fundamental Baptist) churches too often this verse is ignored and the pastor is an overlord & sets a really, REALLY BAD example. In which case he is no longer qualified to lead the church even if he's a good preacher, friendly, God-called, etc., etc. If these qualifications are ignored, the results will be: (1) A negative testimony in the community (2) A defective example within the local church (Who in their right mind would go to a divorced pastor for marital counseling ?) (3) Moral-spiritual breakdown of Christianity in general.

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