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Q: Is Computerized Numerical Control machine open loop system or closed loop system?
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Is washing machine is open loop or closed control system and why?

closed loop system

What are the various type of control?

open and closed controll,man or machine controll,organisational or operaaational controll

Is CCTV a machine?

CCTV = Closed Circuit TV. It's a system, not a machine.

What is closed control?

In industry closed control is a closed loop feedback where a pump or motor has an encoder or feedback device to keep the operation regulated.

Is automobile cruise control open or closed loop?

A cruise control is an example of a closed loop servo.

Will Time Machine still backup if my MacBook is closed?

The original design for the MacBook family is to have the machine at least sleep when the lid is closed to preserve the battery. The part of the Mac OS called Time Machine is designed to backup software specified by the user of the machine when the machine is running. Sorry but.

What is Scope of doing mtech in computer integrated manufacturing?

Computer-Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) in engineering is a method of manufacturing in which the entire production process is controlled by computer. The traditional separated process methods are joined through a computer by CIM. This integration allows that the processes exchange information with each other and they are able to initiate actions. Through this, integration the manufacturing can be faster and with fewer errors, although the main advantage is the ability to create automated manufacturing processes. Typically CIM relies on closed-loop control processes, based on real-time input from sensors. It is also known as flexible design and manufacturing. It includes CAD/CAM, computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing, CAPP, computer-aided process planning, CNC, computer numerical control machine tools, DNC, direct numerical control machine tools, FMS, flexible machining systems, ASRS, automated storage and retrieval systems, AGV, automated guided vehicles, use of robotics and automated conveyance, computerized scheduling and production control, and a business system integrated by a common data base. Therefore the scope for such complicated technology in today's time is tremendous. Hope this helps. All the best!

Electric guitar control system is a closed-loop control system or not?

Yes it is

Closed loop control?

The closed loop control refers to a system whereby an input forcing function is usually determined in part by the system response.

What is meant to be a closed circuit?

It refers to asystem whereby the loop of control is closed to outside interference.

Why you cant control your feeling when you closed with a guy that you like?

dont control just dont

When you use solenoid valve normally closed on steam operated washing machine?
