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Q: Is Congo red basic or acidic?
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Which of the following is an example of an acidic stain?

Basic dyes: Crystal violet, Methylene blue, Malachite green, Safranin. Acidic dyes: Nigrosin, Congo red

What is another example of a acidic dye besides Congo red?


What is an acidic solution will turn blue litmus paper to what color?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

How is paper helpful?

It helps in indicating whether a substance is acidic or basic A red litmus paper turns blue in basic solution and turns red in acidic solution A blue litmus paper turns red in acidic solution and turns darker blue in basic solution

What color does blue litmus paper turn when immersed into an acid?

Blue Litmus Paper turns red when it is placed in an acid

What is lithmus paper?

it is litmus not lithmus . it is a natural indicator . it is a strip of paper either red or blue in colour . it is used whether a solution is acidic or basic in nature. a basic solution turns red litmus to blue and an acidic solution turns blue litmus into red

What colour is cyanidin in acidic solutions?

Cyanidin is red in acidic solution, and blue in basic solution

What color does HNO3 on blue litmus change?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

How can you find out if salt is acidic or basic with the help of turmeric powder?

Turmeric is yellow in acidic or neutral solutions but red to brown in a basic solution.

What is the color of Congo red in base solution?

changes to violet in basic solution

Acidic Congo red does not contain carbon particles like Nigrosin but can give the appearance of a negative stain What is the basis for this stain?

Acidic Congo red is negatively charged, so it is repelled by the negatively charged cytoplasm, and gathers around the cell wall instead, leaving the cell clear and unstained.

Is it ammonia acidic?

no if ammonia is dry state den it is neither acidic nor basic but actually it is basic because it turns red litmus blue