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changes to violet in basic solution

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Q: What is the color of Congo red in base solution?
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What is the reaction of milk with Congo red?

when congo red was mixed with milk it produced pink color solution.

What is in the red pigment of mayana leaves its base or acid?

The red pigment is an anthocyanin; the color is purple in a neutral solution.

What is the difference in appreance between boiled and unboiled yeast cells in Congo red solution?

since the unboiled yeast is alive it will not allow the congo red to be absorbed and the boiled yeast is dead so it doesnt have any way to fight of the solution(congo red)

Does detergent solution effect on red litmus papper?

detergent solution has an effect on red litmus paper because detergent solution is a base and it changes the color of red litmus(indicator) to blue when in contact with it.

What determines whether a soulition is acidic or base?

just put a drop of solution on blue litmus paper. if litmus turn in to red color then solution is acid otherwise it is base .

What color does a strip of litmus paper turn when it is dipped into an acidic solution?

Red, it turns blue in base.

What are the color meaning of the Congo flag?

The Congo flag is yellow, blue, red in color and has a stripe and star. The yellow color means wealth, red stands for the blood shed by the country's martyrs, and the star is for the future.

What is an acidic solution will turn blue litmus paper to what color?

Red color in acidic solutions and blue color in basic solutions.

You are given an unknown solution and asked to determine if it is an acid or base You test the solution with a piece of litmus paper You notice the litmus paper turns blue in color This tells you t?

The solution is a base. ( If it turned red, then the solution would be classified as an acid.)

What happens when a base is added to red cabbage solution?

Base turn red cabbage solution to blue-ish purple

What colour is methyl red in alkali?

When you add methyl red to a solution it will indicate it's pH. When the pH is under 4.4 the solution will appear red in color (or maybe pink). When the solution is above pH 6.2 it will appear yellow in color. Any where in between will appear orange. So if you add base to a red/pink or orange solution it will turn yellow as the solution becomes more basic. But I honestly do not know th actual chemical reaction that causes the indictor's color change.

What color are smears of S. salivarius and E. aerogenes when stained with Congo red?
