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Its written in its name CuSO4 "solution"...

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Q: Is Copper Sulphate solution a suspension or colloid?
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Is copper sulphate a colloid?

No, it is a salt. I water it forms a solution.

Is copper sulfate a solution suspension colloid or pure substance?

Copper sulfate is a chemical compound.

Is bronze a suspension a colloid or a alloys?

Brass is an alloy made of (mainly) Copper and Zinc

Aqueous solution of copper sulphate is a homogeneous mixture?

an aqueous solution of copper sulphate is homogeneous

How is copper released from a copper sulphate solution?

silicate, carbonate or sulphate

How can you separate copper sulphate powder from water?

One method to separate copper sulfate powder from water is through evaporation. Simply heat the solution containing the copper sulfate powder and water until all the water evaporates, leaving behind the solid copper sulfate powder. Alternatively, filtration can also be used to separate the powder from the water by passing the mixture through a filter paper or a sieve.

Can copper sulphate be separated from its solution by crystallization?

Yes, copper sulphate(CuSO4) can be separated from its solution in crystalline form.

How do you distinguish between copper sulphate solution sodium chloride solution sodium nitrate solution or sodium sulphate solution?

To distinguish between these solutions: Copper sulphate solution will be blue in color. Sodium chloride solution will not exhibit any color and will form white crystals upon drying. Sodium nitrate solution will not exhibit any color and is typically used as an oxidizing agent. Sodium sulphate solution will not exhibit any color and may form white crystals upon drying.

What color is copper sulphate solution and water mixture?

Copper sulphate's colour is blue.

How do you prepare copper sulphate solution?

Add anhydrous copper sulphate to distilled water.

Why aqueous copper sulphate solution conduct electricity but solid copper sulphate does not?

aqueous copper sulphate having high conductive hydroxide ions were as no in solid Copper sulphate.

What forms a solution?

copper sulphate