

Is DCPIP the same as iodine solution?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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Q: Is DCPIP the same as iodine solution?
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How do you prepare DCPIP solution?

1 % DCPIP solution can be prepared by dissolving 1g of the dye in 100cm3 of water

What is the mass of DCPIP powder needed to form 300 mL of 1percent DCPIP solution and all measurements in grams and millilitres?

3 g

What is the same as bentadine?

It isn't the same, but betadine is an iodine solution.

How does dcpip in the hill reaction affect absorbance?

DCPIP is a blue colour when its oxidized and when it is reduced it turns into a colourless solution. DCPIP replaces NADPH the final electron acceptor in the light dependent reaction. So basically, as the reaction continues, the more DCPIP is reduced and the absorbance decreases.

How do you know how much vitamin C is in the vitamin C indicator?

Standardise it with iodine, dcpip or use its reaction with iron

Is there a way to find vitamin C in food without using DCPIP?

You could use drops of iodine solution (Povidone-iodine may work)to estimate vitamin C in solutions. Estimate the number of drops/volume needed to titrate a known sample of vitamin C (a tablet). Then apply that to unknown samples.

Is iodine solution ionic?

A solution of iodine is covalent.

What is the difference between iodine crystals and iodine solution?

Iodine crystal is solid Iodine. Iodine solution is when Iodine crystals are dissolved in water.

What is the solution of tincture of iodine?


How do you determine the concentration of ascorbic acid in unknown sample?

first measure the volume of the sample solution needed to change the blue color of the DCPIP solution into colourless. then, weigh the mass of the sample solution. finally calculate the concentration by using the formula: volume required t change the color of DCPIP solution (dm) per mass of the sample solution (g)

What is the composition of iodine solution?

Otherwise a solvent is stated, a solution of iodine contains only iodine molecules.

is iodine tincture the same as just plain iodine?

No. Iodine is an element, a halogen, and thus is usually found as a salt. A tincture is a solution (of anything) using alcohol as the solvent.