

Is Dilsukhnagar bomb blast a nuclear accident?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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no, they were conventional terrorist bombs.

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Q: Is Dilsukhnagar bomb blast a nuclear accident?
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How is a nuclear bomb different then a nuclear accident?

An nuclear bomb is purposefully release to pulse out damage. A nuclear accident, on the other hand, is an accident when a nuclear source (usually referring to a nuclear plant) either blows up or leaks. Although it is normally weaker and less dangerous than a nuclear bomb, a big enough explosion or a serious enough nuclear meltdown can break that limit.

What are the HARMFULNESS caused by nuclear blast?

The blast effects (which is all the question as worded asks about) would be the same as the blast effects of a weight of TNT identical to the nuclear bomb's yield (by definition). However a nuclear bomb has additional effects that the TNT doesn't, but as this question only asked about blast effects, I won't visit them.

What is the difference between a fire bomb and a nuclear bomb?

A fire bomb is a conventional incendiary bomb: magnesium, napalm, etc. A nuclear bomb uses fission and/or fusion and is mostly a blast effect weapon.

Which is stronger Nuclear Bomb or Hydrogen Bomb?

Nuclear bombs is all types of bombs that use nuclear energy. It is not a type of bomb,just a category of bombs. hydrogen bomb is the strongest bomb ever, and its blast yield can go up to 100megatons of TNT.

What energy nuclear bomb change?

Nuclear binding energy to thermal energy to blast shock wave energy.

What wave is produced in nuclear explosions?

Blast wave, as with any other explosive bomb.

What does the blast impact of a nuclear weapon do?

Exactly the same thing as a TNT bomb of the same yield.

How does a nuclear bomb kill someone?

The blast from a nuclear bomb affects the space/time continuum, moving you into a parallel dimension. The people in this dimension breath argon, you cannot, so you die.

Why neutron bomb is known as smart bomb?

It is not. A "smart" bomb is one with a guidance system that guides it directly to the target. A "Neutron" bomb is a specialized form of nuclear weapon that produces relatively little blast, but releases more immediate nuclear radiation than most other nuclear weapons

What happens if you stare at a mushroom cloud?

If you are referring to the blast of a nuclear bomb, you could easily lose your vision.

What is the difference between a conventional bomb and an atomic bomb?

A standard bomb relies on the explosive power of chemical energy, like TNT for example. The size of the blast will depend on the amount of explosives packed into the bomb. After the blast, there will be the "usual" damage, which will be proportionate to the size of the bomb. Destruction and casualties will present as they always have from the blast of a weapon. With a nuclear weapon, the energy is derived from the nuclei of atoms (using either fission or fusion). It is nuclear energy, and nuclear weapons are, by tapping into this type of energy, able to deliver a much larger blast and broader blast effects than conventional weapons. The blast can be thousands or millions of times more devastating than any conventional bomb blast. And in addition to killing in the way chemical explosives do, it can also severely burn and can irradiate victims, and they can die weeks, months or even years after surviving the initial blast. There is also the element of nuclear "residue" from the nuclear blast. Radioactive contaminants will be found on the ground and in the air. And the airborne ones will circulate according to local weather patterns. This will create what is called fallout, and the radioactive materials can be deposited many miles from ground zero. This ends up creating health damaging effects far from the site of the blast.

What takes up the largest percent of energy released in a nuclear detonation?

As with any bomb the primary effect is blast.