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No. Neptune is much larger and more massive.

Neptune, along with Uranus, Jupiter, and Saturn, is one of the gas giants, which are planets made largely of dense gas and are much bigger than the inner rocky planets of Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars. Accordingly, Neptune, with a diameter of roughly 30,600 miles, is much bigger than Earth, which has a diameter of roughly 7,900 miles.

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Q: Is Earth the same size as Neptune?
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Is planet earth the same size as neptune?

No. Neptune is much larger than Earth.

What is about the same size as what other planet?

Earth is a similar size to Venus (Earth is a bit bigger). Neptune and Uranus are also of a similar size.

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Venus and Earth are similar in size, also Uranus and Neptune are pretty similar in size.

What planet does neptune same size?

Neptune is very much like Uranus in size.

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Neptune's great dark spot appears to be a giant cyclone. It is about the same size as the Earth.

What is to the temperature difference between earth and Neptune?

Neptune's temperature is around 72 degrees Kelvin, which is about 200 degrees colder than the Earth. Neptune is far further from the sun and as such is a much colder planet than earth.

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Neptune is about 3.88 times larger than the Earth, so about 58.5 Earths could fit inside Neptune.

What is the size comparison of Earth and Neptune?

The gas giant, Neptune, is considerably larger than the Earth, having about 3.9 times the surface area of the Earth. Neptune-49,620 km Earth-12,756 km

What outer planets are about the same size?

Uranus and Neptune are roughly the same size.

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Earth and Neptune formed together so it has lived the same number of Earth Years as Earth has.

Which planet is the same as Neptune?

No planet is the same as Neptune. Uranus is similar in size, but is quite different in its composition.

What is the length of a hour on NEPTUNE?

The same as on earth.