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Q: Is England less newly or more developed?
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Is England and developed or less developed?

England, more properly the United Kingdom, is a developed country.

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Less developed.

What are medc and ledc?

LEDC=Less economically developed countriesie. Countries like Afric who dont have much moneyMEDC= More economically developed countriesCountries like America and England

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Developing country

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more developed country.

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Romania is less developed.

Why does a more developed country has no poverty?

Every Country, no matter how developed has poverty, poverty is a world wide issue, not just in less developed countries. its just that the poverty in less developed countries is talked about more than the poverty in more developed countries.

What is the difference between more developed countries and less developed countries?


What is the country of origin of calculus?

Although some ideas of calculus had been recognised for centuries, modern calculus was developed simultaneously and independently by Liebniz (Germany) and Newton (England). Some people believe that Liebniz developed the mathematical aspects whereas Newton was more effective in applying the newly discovered techniques to physics.

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Answer: tanks!

What is the difference between developed nd developing countries?

A developed countries means that their economy is developed ,more GDP , high living standard.a less developed country means that their is lack of lletracy less GDP and GNP

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As flash drives are developed more they will be used less and less