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1d ago

FOUO stands for "For Official Use Only," which is a designation used by the U.S. government to protect sensitive but unclassified information. It is not a classification level like Confidential, Secret, or Top Secret.

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Q: Is FOUO a classification level
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Is Domain a higher level of classification than Kingdoms higher level of classification than Domains.?

No, in biological classification, Kingdom is a higher level of classification than Domain. Domains represent the highest level of biological classification, which can be further divided into kingdoms.

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The largest level of classification in a kingdom is the phylum.

Which level of classification is represented by the box labeled a?

The box labeled "a" represents the domain level in biological classification. It is the highest level in the classification hierarchy.

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The classification level with the fewest members is the domain level, which is the highest level in the biological classification system. It includes three domains: Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya.

What group is the smallest level of classification in biology?

Species is the smallest level of classification in biology.

What is finest level of classification for animals?

The finest level of classification for animals is species.

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The second highest classification level for plants is the division. The second broadest classification level for plants is the order.

Which classification level is the smallest?

The smallest classification level is the species. It is the most specific category in the classification system, representing a particular type of organism.

Which is the brodest classification level?

The broadest classification level is domain, which represents a high-level category or grouping of related topics.

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