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Keep playing the game and everything will be revealed

If you just can't wait to find out, see the related link below and scroll down to the third journal entry on the page in the #1 Google ranked walkthrough

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Flora is ok, Professor Layton and his Apprentice Luke Triton are looking after her.

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Q: Is Flora with you after Dropstone the real Flora in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?
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What happened to Flora after she was kidnapped by Don Paolo in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Don Paolo is posing as Flora and asks Professor Layton if he be allowed to stay in the hotel room as he claims to be feeling ill, of course the Professor has no idea this is not the real Flora. Professor Layton and Luke are now busy exploring the town of Folsense. Later, Professor Layton and Luke locate the real Flora unharmed in a barn in Dropstone.

Is Inspecter Chelmey in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

yes, he is in the game. He is also in Professor Layton 3 or Professor Layton and the Last time Travel. Flora is also in both of the upcoming games.

Is Flora from Professor Layton Curious Village in Professor Layton Pandora's box?

Yes, You are correct, Flora does begin her journey starting in Professor Layton's Curious Village, she then links up with Professor Layton again in Pandora's Box, Well done!

Is Flora Reinhold Professor Layton's Daughter?

Flora is not Professor Layton's daughter. Flora's father was the Baron Augustus Reinhold, and her mother was Lady Violet. But Professor Layton did take her in after her parents died, therefor some may call him her adoptive father.

Why does Professor Layton Luke and Flora fall asleep in the carriage near the bridge on Diabolical Box?

luke layton and flora fall asleep in the carrige because when the carriges swap the molentery express wants their passangers asleep so they use flowers that make you fall asleep

Does Flora stay with Professor Layton in the Last Time Travel?

Yes, Flora does stay with Professor Layton in the Last Time Travel, she Joins Layton and Luke on their investigation in Future London.

Where is flora in professor layton and the specters flute?

Professor Layton and the Specter's Flute is set three years before Layton and Luke have their adventure in St. Mystere, so Flora is still living there with her father. Flora is replaced by Emmy, Layton's new assistant. Professor Layton and the Unwound Future was her last appearance in the video game series.

What Happens in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

Professor Layton and his Apprentice Luke receive a letter from Dr Schrader, Layton's previous Mentor, regarding the legendary Elysian Box, they both visit his office and find his lifeless body on the floor, there are no signs of the Elysian Box, However, they did find a ticket for the Molentary Express train plus a torn up photograph. Professor Layton and Luke board the train which is going to Dropstone, a small village that is celebrating it's 50th Anniversary Professor, Luke and Flora! who they found on the train explore the village. After many puzzles are solved they again board the train, destination, Folsense!. The story really begins in Folsense, and so do all the puzzles. Enjoy the game!!

Who is Flora in Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box?

In Professor Layton, Flora is a girl also known as the golden apple. She tails Luke and Layton in the first two games. Her father, Baron Augustus Reinhold, passed away when she was 10-12 years old. Her mother, Lady Violet, passed away when she 4-7 years old. Professor Layton is her guardian, because he found her in St. Mystere. She also was a vital clue in finding her fathers inheritance, with that apple shaped birthmark on her chest and whatnot.

What happens to flora in Professor Layton 3?

Halfway through the game Professor Layton and Luke go to his school to find Flora, she is upset they left her behind agian, but she soon joins them.

How old is Flora Reinhold in Professor Layton 3?

flora is the same age as luke who is 13

Who Is Flora Reinhold's Love Interest in Professor Layton and Pandora's Box?

Flora Reinhold is a very young lady being cared for by Professor Layton and Luke, which is not a love interest.