

Is Gaul the capital of the roman empire?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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No, the capital of the Roman Empire was Rome. Gaul was a conquered territory, roughly corresponding to present-day France.

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Q: Is Gaul the capital of the roman empire?
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Was Gaul the Greek city that became the new capital of the roman empire?

Whoops! You seem to have your geography a little confused. Gaul was a Roman province, present day France. The Greek city that became the capital of the Roman empire was Byzantium, later called Constantinople. That is in present day Turkey.

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the franks took over gaul after the days of the roman empire wich is why they call it France today.

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When the Roman Empire fell in no longer existed. Therefore there was not a capital of the Roman Empire any more.

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Before France was called "Gaul", and its capital was called "Lutece".

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Who conquered the former roman empire of gaul?

There was not a Roman Empire of Gaul. Gaul was part of the Roman Empire as a whole and was subdivided into the Roman provinces of Gallia Narbonensis, Gallia Aquitania, Gallia Lugdunensis and Gallia Belgica. There was a short period when Britannia and Gallia formed a splinter empire. Historians call it Gallic Empire, but the Romans did not use this term. It was brought back into the fold by the emperor Aurelian 14 years later. Gaul was invaded by the Vandals, Sueves and Alans who crossed the frozen river Rhine in 406.

Constantinople was the former capital of what?

Roman Empire

How Gaul relate to Julius Caesar?

ceaser was the man who conquered Gaul and made it a part of the Roman Empire hope that helped ;)

What was the first empire to conquer and rule gaul?

The Roman Empire, if you mean "empire" but if you mean "Emperor" it was Caesar who conquered it and became emperor not long thereafter.

What is the name of western capital of Roman Empire?

Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.Rome is the name of the western capital of the Roman empire.