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The Greenhouse effect would result in a generally warmer Earth. This would result in more evaporation from oceans and other water sources. This could cause greater local rainfall in some ares. However a generally warmer Earth might have different flow patterns of air and water. This could make the locations of the heavier rainfall difficult to predict. This means that everywhere in the world won't see more rain - some areas will be wetter and others drier.

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18h ago

Yes, the greenhouse effect can lead to increased global temperatures which in turn can increase evaporation rates, leading to more water vapor in the atmosphere. This can result in more intense rainfalls in some regions due to the increased availability of moisture. However, it can also lead to droughts in other regions due to changes in precipitation patterns.

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Will greenhouse gas effect global warming?

Greenhouse gas emissions trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere, contributing to global warming. The more greenhouse gases are released, the more heat is trapped, leading to an increase in global temperatures. This leads to a range of environmental impacts, such as melting ice caps, rising sea levels, and extreme weather events.

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Yes, deforestation removes trees that act as a carbon sink, removing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This increases the greenhouse effect.

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We primarily see the Warming of our Globe.

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In terms of greenhouse effect, natural gas is more benign than coal or oil, because it provides a greater heating effect per unit of carbon dioxide produced. It is therefore not the major cause of the greenhouse effect.

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Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the key greenhouse gasresponsible for the accelerated greenhouse effect, added by humans burning fossil fuels. CO2 is having the largest effect on the recent increases in global temperature.The most common greenhouse gas for the natural greenhouse effect is water vapour. Man has no control over its levels. When it gets too high, it falls as rain.

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Greenhouse Effect

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The most common greenhouse gas responsible for the natural greenhouse effect is water vapour. Man has no control over its levels. When it gets too high, it falls as rain.The most common greenhouse gas responsible for the accelerated greenhouse effect is carbon dioxide (CO2), the high levels of which we are responsible for. CO2 is having the largest effect on the recent increases in global temperature.

Is the greenhouse effect really responsible for global warming?

Yes, the greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon which has existed here for trillions of years and protected the earth from global freezing like the ice age. But increases in greenhouse gases mostly carbon dioxide caused by man's burning of fossil fuels is causing an enhanced, or accelerated greenhouse effect which is responsible for global warming.

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The enhanced greenhouse effect,which is caused by extra amounts of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,which is caused by burning fossil fuels and deforestation.

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The greenhouse effect is the natural way that the Earth keeps warm. Too many extra greenhouse gases turn the greenhouse effect into an enhanced greenhouse effect. The enhanced, or accelerated, greenhouse effect is causing global warming.

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The trapping of heat by a planet's atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect. This occurs when gases like carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere trap heat radiating from the planet's surface, leading to a warming effect.

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