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HPV is not contagious as long as your immune system supresses it. If it is dormant, your immune system is properly controlling it and it isn't contagious.

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Yes HPV is contagious.

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Q: Is hpv contagious when its dormant?
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How many years can the HPV virus be dormant?

HPV can stay dormant for decades. Diagnosis does not give you an idea of when you were infectedd.

Can hpv lay dormant in the body were a pap smear wont detect?

Yes, HPV can be dormant and undetected by a pap smear. A pap smear looks for damage to the cervix caused by HPV. It does not look for all subtypes of HPV or detect HPV infection.

Are you always contagious when you have hpv?

No, only when you are having sex.

How long can HPV lay dormat before detection?

HPV can lay dormant for decades before detection. A positive HPV test for cervical cancer screening gives no information about how long you've been infected.

Is cervical cancer contagious?

No, cervical cancer itself is not contagious. Cervical cancer is primarily caused by certain strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted infection. However, the transmission of HPV is through direct skin-to-skin contact, particularly during sexual activity, and not through casual contact. It's important to note that while HPV is a common risk factor for cervical cancer, not everyone who has HPV will develop cervical cancer. Most HPV infections resolve on their own without causing any health problems. Additionally, cervical cancer typically develops over a long period of time, often years or even decades after HPV infection. Cervical cancer is not spread through casual contact like shaking hands, hugging, or sharing personal items. The primary mode of transmission for HPV is sexual contact, including vaginal Preventive measures such as HPV vaccination and regular cervical cancer screening (Pap tests and HPV tests) can help reduce the risk of cervical cancer and its associated health complications. If you have questions or concerns about cervical cancer, HPV, or prevention, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for guidance and information tailored to your specific situation.

Can you pass cervical cancer before colcoscopy to sexual partner?

Cervical cancer is not contagious. However the virus, HPV, is sexually transmitted. There is a strong association between HPV infection and cervical cancer.

Can a person with ulcerative colitis be more prone to contract hsv?

Ulcerative colitis will not affect catching HPV; it is very contagious and nearly all that are exposed to the virus catch HPV.

Why does hpv belong in the virus kingdom?

The acronym HPV stands for Human Papilloma Virus. It belongs in the virus kingdom because it is a virus. Like all viruses it is dormant until it enters a cell, and it then takes over the existing cellular machinery to reproduce itself.

Can you pass HPV to someone?

Yes, you can spread HPV through genital contact, even without sexual intercourse. There is a vaccination available now, if you do not already have HPV, that can prevent it. Please see the related link below.

What is warts?

Warts are a type of infection caused by the HPV virus. There are more than 100 different kinds of HPV. You can get them by touching a wart on another person or touching something a person with a wart had previously touched. Warts on the genitals are very contagious and can be passed through sexual activity.

How long can Human Pappiloma Virus stay dormant before becoming active or expelling itself from your body?

Once you have HPV it does't leave the body and is the leading cause of cancer of the uterus.

How likely is it to pass on hpv with no outbreaks?

Experts do not agree whether the virus is completely eliminated or reduced to undetectable levels so it's difficult to know if you would still be contagious.