

Is Hanukkah the way that Jews celebrate Christmas?

Updated: 11/10/2020
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9y ago

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No. There is no "Jewish Christmas". The Jewish Savior is not yet born. Hanukkah is a holiday that occurs around the same time as Christmas but shares no similarities in terms of meaning or purpose.

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No. The Jewish religious festival of Hanukkah is celebrated in December or late November and has no connection to any Christian occasion. Hanukkah was instituted 2180 years ago.

For more about Hanukkah:

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Q: Is Hanukkah the way that Jews celebrate Christmas?
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Jews in Latin America celebrate Hanukkah in much the same way as Jews around the world. They tell each other 'Feliz Hanukkah', light a menorah, and distribute gifts the same as anywhere else.

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It is unclear what the question is asking.If it is asking "Why do Non-Jews celebrate Christmas?", the answer would likely be: They celebrate it because they are Christians or Atheists from a Christian Background and connect with Christmas in a spiritual or familial way.If it is asking "Why do Jews not celebrate Christmas?", the answer would likely be: Most Jews ignore Christmas; it is simply not something of any importance to them in much the same way that Christians ignore Hanukkah, Eid al-Adha, or Diwali (which are Jewish, Islamic, and Hindu holidays) because they are not relevant to their tradition. Jews hold that their savior is not yet born, so it would be improper to celebrate the birth of a false Messianic Candidate.

Why do people not celebrate Hanukkah?

"Instead" implies that one thing is replacing another or that the two are corollaries of one-another. This is not the case. Jews celebrate Hanukkah contemporaneously with Christmas, but these holidays are different in celebration, meaning, and purpose. They have nothing in common other than that they are both in December.Religious Jews ignore Christmas; it is simply not something of any importance to them in much the same way that Christians ignore Hanukkah, Eid al-Adha, or Diwali (which are Jewish, Islamic, and Hindu holidays) because they are not relevant to their tradition. Jews hold that their savior is not yet born, so it would be improper to celebrate the birth of a false Messianic Candidate.

Do Hispanic Jews celebrate Hanukkah?

Hispanic Jews, also known as Sephardic Jews, celebrate Hanukkah in much the same way as Ashenanzic (European) Jews do. However, there are a few differences: only the head of the household may light the menorah (among Ashkenazim, each person lights a menorah); the traditional songs differ (though many Sephardi Jews often sing the Ashkenazic Ma'oz Tzur nowadays) and they have a tradition of eating dairy rather than oil-fried foods.

How do Jews deal with Christmas when they celebrate Hanukkah?

They're 2 completely different holidays that believe in miracles, so it depends which branch of Judaism that is practiced. I, myself, believe in treating Christians that love Jews with proper respect by sending out cards and presents for BOTH Hanukkah and Christmas.

Is Christmas in Israel religious or cultural?

Neither. Together, Jews and Muslims make up well over 95% of Israel's population. Neither Jews nor Muslims celebrate Christmas or acknowledge it in any way.

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Christmas is a regular weekday in Israel. Together, Jews and Muslims make up well over 95% of Israel's population. Neither Jews nor Muslims celebrate Christmas or acknowledge it in any way.

Do Jewish people celeberate Christmas?

No. Jews do not celebrate Christmas and Christmas is a non-occasion in Judaism. Jews who live their lives according to Jewish law and tradition don't celebrate it. Neither that holiday nor its back-story are a part of Judaism.Jews do have a winter celebration called Hanukkah which is completely unrelated to Christmas.Most Jews don't celebrate Christmas, as it is a Christian holiday. There are, however, some Jews who celebrate the secular aspects of the holiday, particularly Jews living in interfaith households. It is also somewhat common for British and Irish Jews to celebrate Christmas to some extent.hunakkah is around the same time of christmas. however Jewish people don't celebrate chrismtas.

Why do Jews not celbrate Christmas?

Jews celebrate a lot of things, in fact, one out of every five days of the year is a Jewish holiday of one sort or another. It just may happen that Jews do not celebrate your holidays or festive occasions.If there is a particular festive occasion that you had in mind, please resubmit your question asking specifically about that holiday.