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Yes it is extremely harmful and is an irritant so I wouldn't drink it.

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Q: Is Hydrogen Peroxide Harmful if ingested?
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Should hydrogen peroxide be used on a staph infection?

Hyrdrogen peroxide can be used to kill harmful bacteria. While there may be better options for treatment of a staph infection, hydrogen peroxide will not cause harm to a staph infection and could help aid in killing off harmful bacteria.

Is hydrogen peroxide harmful to the eyes?

Yes, it will sting/burn your eyes and will perhaps blind you.

What happens when hydrogen peroxide decomposes?

h2o2 decomposes to o2 and h2o.h2o2 is very harmful

What if you accidentally swallowed a solution of 1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide with 3 tablespoon water will that be harmful?


Why does Hydrogen peroxide need to be broken down?

Hydrogen peroxide is a harmful by-product of many normal metabolic processes: to prevent damage, it must be quickly converted into other, less dangerous substances.

Is peroxide gas harmful to breath?

There is no such thing as peroxide gas.... peroxide isn't a chemical, it is a part of a chemical. You can have hydrogen peroxide or sodium peroxide for instance, or other types of peroxides, but not just peroxide. But generally peroxides are strong oxidizing agents and are not healthy to ingest.

Is Hydrogen peroxide teething whitening?

Hydrogen peroxide is a teeth whitener, google "hydrogen peroxide teeth."

What is the difference in hydrogen and hydrogen Peroxide?

Hydrogen is an element.Hydrogen peroxide is a compound.

What are the chemical properties of hydrogen peroxide?


Is hydrogen peroxide a reactant?

I think Hydrogen Peroxide is a reactant,because hydrogen and oxygen are reactants so hydrogen peroxide should be a reactant.

Is hydrogen peroxide the same as hydrogen peroxide solution?


Is hydrogen peroxide an antiseptic?

Yes hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic.