

Is Hydrogen better than gas

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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yes because it does not pollute the air and can help keep the seas from being overflowed from melting ice caps and/or glaciers. it also will slow down the death of the human race, or otherwise known as extinction

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Q: Is Hydrogen better than gas
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Is hydrogen burn the other things or?

Hydrogen is a highly combustible explosive gas- it is lighter than air- better lift-wise than Helium, but one stray spark and Kabooom!

Why hydrogen gas is liquefied first than helium gas?

Because hydrogen is lighter that helium

Is hydrogen gas faster than nitrogen gas and why?

Both hydrogen and nitrogen gases travel at similar speeds at the same temperature. The speed of a gas is determined by its temperature and molecular weight, but both hydrogen and nitrogen have similar molecular weights. Therefore, they would have similar speeds under the same conditions.

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Hydrogen is dangerous than Helium because Hydrogen is a stronger gas than Helium.

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They are better than Diesel because they emit less pollution, they are more regulated and have to meet stricter emission requirements. They are not better than Hydrogen, electric, or Hybrid vehicles though.

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Hydrogen is lighter than helium. So hydrogen balloon will float better than helium.

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What is hydrogen and hydrogen gas?

Hydrogen is a chemical element with the symbol H and atomic number 1. It is the lightest and most abundant element in the universe. Hydrogen gas consists of molecules composed of two hydrogen atoms bonded together and is commonly used as a fuel and in various industrial processes.

How is water gas superior to producer gas?

Water gas is superior to producer gas because it has a higher calorific value, which means it can generate more heat energy when burned. Additionally, water gas can be produced at higher temperatures and pressures, allowing for more efficient conversion of carbonaceous materials into gas. Lastly, water gas contains less impurities like tar and dust, making it cleaner to use in industrial processes.

What gas law explains the replacement of hydrogen to helium in blimps?

The replacement of hydrogen in blimps with helium is not based on the gas laws but rather on the fact that hydrogen is highly flammable whereas helium is entirely non flammable. In fact based on the gas laws hydrogen would actually be better for blimps because its has lower molecular mass and is therefore less dense than helium.

Why does Fe reacts with dil. H2SO4 to give hydrogen gas but copper does not?

Iron reacts with dilute sulfuric acid to give hydrogen gas because Fe is above hydrogen in the reactivity series, making Fe more reactive and able to displace hydrogen from sulfuric acid. Copper, on the other hand, is below hydrogen in the reactivity series and is not able to displace hydrogen from sulfuric acid, so it does not react with dilute H2SO4 to give hydrogen gas.