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There are many things to say. IQ measures have limited use and shed light on only a few abilities, and IQ measures are made under necessarily artificial conditions. Good IQ measures do not change over time, according to the most widely held theory. If 65 is a child's IQ and it has been correctly measured, then that person's IQ will not vary much over the course of life. The average IQ is 100 by definition, and raw IQ scores are treated mathematically to maintain 100 as the average. 65 is tending to be low, but it is by no means an indication that the child will not be successful and happy. If this were my child I would encourage him/her like crazy to learn more about the things that he finds interesting and fun. When possible I would even engage in those things with my child as much as I could. With encouragement and a rich and varied environment, and without the shame and embarrassment of being constantly forced to compete with others in things he finds particularly difficult, this child will flourish.

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