

Is India population increasing more rapidly than china?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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Yes they breed like rats

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Q: Is India population increasing more rapidly than china?
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What are the highest to lowest growing population in the world?

The most rapidly increasing population is India the population is expected to overtake China by 2030. The most rapidly decreasing population is Latvia it's growth rate is -18.

Is the population of India increasing more rapidly then the population of China?

Yes, India is increasing at a much more rapid rate then China. The fertility rate (number of children each woman gives birth to) in China is 1.7, while the fertility rate in India is 2.8. So it is estimated that India will over take China as the most populous country in about 30-35 years.

Is Indias population third to China?

No, it is second to China in population, in the whole world. In a few short years, it will pass China to become the most populated country in the world. India's population is growing much more rapidly than China's.

What nation has a population growing so rapidly that experts believe it will surpass China as the most highly populated nation in the world by the year 2045?

India is the nation with a rapidly growing population that experts predict will surpass China as the most highly populated nation in the world by the year 2045.

Why is china's population rapidly increasing?

because they all want grandchildren (some want about 5) so they have lots of families and lots of grandchildren.

What is the population of india in 21st century?

India's population in the 21st century has been steadily increasing. As of 2021, the population of India is estimated to be around 1.4 billion, making it the second most populous country in the world after China.

What does bric mean?

BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India, and China. These four countries are known for their rapidly growing economies and increasing influence in the global economy.

What 3 countries are incresing in population and what 3 countries are decreasing in population?

Three countries increasing in population are India, Nigeria, and Pakistan. Three countries decreasing in population are Japan, Russia, and Germany.

Is population increasing in China?

llamas are mating lots in china

Which country has the worlds second largest population after China?


Does india have the largest population on earth?

No, India does not have the largest population on Earth. China has the largest population, followed by India.

What year will India's population surpass China's?

In all probability, India's population will surpass China's by 2020.