

Is Inertia vector or scalor

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: Is Inertia vector or scalor
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Mass a scalor or vector?

Scalar as it doesn't have a direction.

Is a kg scalor or a vector quantity?

Scalar, because no direction is used to specify the mass.

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As has already been explained it is a scalor until it produces a result i.e. is used to do work.

Is inertia a vector or scalar?


Is angular momentum a vector quantity?

Angular momentum is a vector quantity. Angular velocity, which is a vector quantity, is multiplied by inertia, which is a scalar quantity.

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Is moment scalar or vector?

Is moment scalar or vector and why? Scalar has magnitude, but no direction. Vector has magitude and direction. Speed is a scalar. The car's speed is 25mi/hr. No direction is mentioned. Velocity is a vector. The car is traveling 25 mi/hr 20º North of East. Velocity is a vector, because it has magnitude and direction Moment has two meanings Moment of inertia = ∑ Mass* raidus^2 This moment measures how difficult it is to rotate an object. This moment is a scalar. Moment can also mean torque. Torque = Force x distance* sinθ (cross product). However torque can be clockwise or counter-clockwise. So torque is a vector.

What is an angular momentum?

An angular momentum is the vector product which describes the rotary inertia of a system around its axis and is conserved in a closed system.

Does every scalor quantity has no direction or more than one?

Scalar quantities do not have direction.

What is the scientific way for interia?

Inertia is a commonly considered a property of mass. It is a measure of how difficult it is to accelerate (or decelerate) the object. Inertia is proportional to mass. Newton's use of the word is on the context of a principle. i.e. the principle of inertia is an object's inability to change its velocity (a vector) unless acted upon by an external force.

What is the difference between vector and scalor quantity?

Vectors include information about their direction, and are incomplete without it. Examples are displacement, velocity, acceleration, momentum, magnetic field. (Velocity is speed with direction.) Scalars are complete without stating any direction. Examples are temperature, cost, mass, speed. (Speed is velocity without direction.)